
Discussion: Cybersecurity planning & managemet

Discussion: Cybersecurity planning & managemet

Do you believe that all data should be encrypted? Many computing professionals think this is a good idea. But a small number of computing experts feel that no data should be encrypted—that all data and software should be openly available to anyone who wants it. Explain your answer (whether you believe all data should or should not be encrypted).

Discussion: Cybersecurity planning & managemet Read More »

5 Page APA Paper Global Leadership

5 Page APA Paper Global Leadership

Paper on Global Leadership

Conduct a review of the literature regarding  Global Leadership characteristics. Search for information about which areas are considered critical and relevant for leaders.

Include the following in your review:

Paper Requirements:

  • This paper must be 5 pages in length (double-spaced), not counting the title and reference pages.
  • It must include a minimum of 5 scholarly references (journal articles, not less reliable-web sources).
  • Using pronouns will be acceptable given the nature of the assignment.
  • Paper should have a reference section.
  • Paper should also have appropriate headings and sub-headings in the body of the paper (please refer to APA manual)
  • Write transition sentences between sections so that the reader knows where you are going and why.
  • Paper must be written according to APA style and be carefully referenced.
  • Appearance, punctuation, grammar, neatness, and spelling count.
  • Remember the basic requirements (title page, page numbers, 12-point font size, double spacing, indent paragraphs, reference page).

Every assignment must include the FCE title page (found in APA/Writing Resources) and a reference list in APA form and style.

5 Page APA Paper Global Leadership Read More »



Hi, Please use the title as “Option #1: Transformational Leader with Vision

Transformation leaders are viewed as change agents in their organization. They develop, build, model and encourage the vision for the organization. Choose a leader and evaluate how he or she supports the elements of vision in his or her organization. You must identify the leader and his or her organization, and provide a URL to the leader’s website and to the organization.


Paper Requirements:

Leadership Read More »

Analytical/critical report to Gap management that includes the following

Please provide minimum of four (4-5) APA formatted pages analytical/critical report to Gap management that includes the following

Provide a 4-5 Page summary evaluating the case study about GAP Inc. by answering the following questions in Part 1.

Gap, Inc. (Gap) became a household name in the 1990s through its clever advertising and merchandising strategy that made it largely responsible for making the jeans-and-t-shirt style ubiquitous during that decade. In this CLA, you will evaluate the pros and cons of Gap’s strategy, do a SWOT analysis, identify the strategic issues that Gap management needs to address, and propose action recommendations.

To prepare you for this Assignment, read the Gap Case on page 297. Then, review the following:

  • A 2:01-minute 2015 video titled “Gap Inc. to Open Store in India” that can be accessed at
    (Copy and paste this URL.)

You must justify your thoughts by supporting your arguments by providing the peer-reviewed sources (at least 8 sources).

Part 1 – (4-5 Pages):

Gap has employed you as a consultant to assess the company’s overall situation, identify the strategic issues that management needs to address, and recommend a set of actions to improve the company’s future prospects. Please prepare a minimum of four (4) APA formatted pages analytical/critical report to Gap management that includes the following:

  • What are the strategically relevant components of the U.S. Retail, Family Clothing Stores industry macroenvironment?
  • What is competition like in the family fashion industry? Which of the five competitive forces is strongest? Which is the weakest? What competitive forces seem to have the greatest effect on industry attractiveness and the potential profitability of new entrants?
  • What does your strategic group map of the family clothing retail industry look like? Is Gap Inc. well positioned? Why or why or why not?
  • What do you see as the key success factors in the market for family clothing?
  • What key factors may determine the success of Gap Inc.?
  • What recommendations would you make to Gap Inc. to improve its competitiveness in the market while mitigating any current and future risks?

Part 2 – (1-2 Page):

  • In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article used for this Assignment.
  • Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.
  • Describe how the article helped in this assignment.
  • Repeat for a total of eight (8) peer-reviewed source.

 he Case study from the text book

Analytical/critical report to Gap management that includes the following Read More »

AHS 7685 week 4 discussion

AHS 7685 week 4 discussion

Define what a Peer-To-Peer Fundraising Special Event entails. Explain how a P2P Fundraising Event will help engage stakeholders and introduce how you will integrate online fundraising into it.

Resources for assessment:

AHS 7685 Discussion Board RubricPreview the document

AHS 7685 week 4 discussion Read More »

Describe the similarities and unique differences between being a manager in general and being a retail manager.

Describe the similarities and unique differences between being a manager in general and being a retail manager.

Retail Minor Project 2

Manager is a management, isn’t it? Describe the similarities and unique differences between being a manager in general and being a retail manager. As a part of this, conduct a phone or video interview with a retail manger and find out some of the following:

  1. Who is responsible for employee scheduling?
  2. How far in advance is the schedule made?
  3. How are peak periods (hours, days, or seasons) planned for?
  4. What happens when an employee calls in sick at the last minute?
  5. How are associates trained? What are the criteria for evaluation?
  6. How often are they evaluated?
  7. If there is no commission system, are any incentive programs offered? Give an example of a specific program or project used by the store to boost employee morale and productivity.
  8. What are the procedures for approaching a suspected shoplifters?
  9. What roles do sales associates and executives play in the security programs?
  10. What is this retailer doing well in terms of security and loss prevention, and in which areas should it improve its policies?

Write at least a 1500 word document that presents your findings.

Your research must also include at least 3 additional academic (e.g., journal articles) resources in addition to your textbook to support your conclusions.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines:

Title Page

Introduction and Conclusion

Main Headings for each section of the Minor Project

APA Citations: (all direct quotes must include the page or paragraph numbers)


Describe the similarities and unique differences between being a manager in general and being a retail manager. Read More »

Provide an explanation of how you would evaluate the training program.

Provide an explanation of how you would evaluate the training program.

HRM326 Apply Training Evaluation



Training evaluations are important to determine if the selected training solution was effective and provided the appropriate return on investment.

Discuss as a team the last training program you attended (at work, school, other).

Select one of your team members’ experiences and design a training evaluation form.

Write a 525- to 700-word description of the training program selected by the team.

Provide an explanation of how you would evaluate the training program. The Kirkpatrick Model for the Effectiveness of Training is to be used for the evaluation. There are details on the model below and on the discussion thread,

Steps of Kirkpatrick Model

There are four levels to Kirkpatrick’s Model that look at training effectiveness in different time frames and areas.

Level one – (this is the level you should focus on the most in the week three assignment). This level is done immediately after the conclusion of training and measures the immediate reaction of participants at the conclusion of the training. This is most often done with a survey or interview and should cover the if the learning objectives were met, the learning environment, the instructors performance, the delivery methods used and the content of the course. The survey or interview will give the designer or instructor an opportunity to make quick course adjustments.

Level two – is used to determine if learning occurred during the course. In other words do the participants know or can do more after the course than they could do before? This can be done with a pre and post assessment which should be the same instrument. The pre assessment measures what KSA’s the participants came into the course already having developed. The post assessment measure what they know after the course is completed. The goal is to compare the pre to the post assessment and see progress has been made in the participants KSA’s.

Level three – this step measures if learning is transferred from the training environment and applied in the work place. Training is only effective if it is applied. This is done around two months after the training is completed by observation, a survey or interview. Data can also help in this step.

Level four – The Return on the Investment. This step is done by converting the costs of doing training and the savings or benefits realized from the training. The costs of doing training are compared to the outcomes to determine if the ROI is positive or negative.

All levels must be covered in the assignment.

Include what you are specifically measuring, the time frame, a description of the evaluation form, and how it will appropriately measure the training solution.

Create a one-page training evaluation form that includes questions on all aspects to be measured – learning environment, instructor performance and learning objectives met.

Cite any sources according to APA formatting guidelines.


(The professor messaged this to us, hope it helps)

Start the paper with an opening paragraph that includes a thesis – what the paper will be about. Then describe the training activity that will be evaluated including the learning objectives for the course.

Then evaluate the course by covering all four levels of the Kirkpatrick Model.

Level 1 – immediate reaction to the training by participants

Level 2 – did learning occur by the participants

Level 3 – did what was learned transfer to the work place

Level 4 – measure the return on the investment for doing the training

Final step is to create a level one evaluation form that measures the following areas for effectiveness- were the learning objectives met – Instructor performance – learning environment effectiveness:

Use open ended questions and leave space for participant comments.

Two references are required and must be listed at the end of the paper and in the body of the paper where used.

The bold letters is what I am to work on which is the thesis, introduction to the training activity that will be evaluated, level one of the Kirkpatrick Model, the conclusion and the level one evaluation form. Thank you

Provide an explanation of how you would evaluate the training program. Read More »

LSM/417: Regulations In LifespanManagement

LSM/417: Regulations In LifespanManagement

Assignment Content

  1. An article was written in your local newspaper about lifespan management and the laws protecting long-term care populations. The article ends with this question: “Does the law do enough?”
    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word letter to the editor answering the question from the perspective of someone working in the lifespan management field. In your letter:

    Include your opinion on what should or should not be changed in the laws to best protect populations needing lifespan management services.
    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
    Submit your assignment.

LSM/417: Regulations In LifespanManagement Read More »

Reality Based Leadership by Cy Wakeman

Reality Based Leadership by Cy Wakeman

Complete an analysis of the book Reality Based Leadership by Cy Wakeman.

Include the following in your analysis

1. In chapter one Cy addresses the issues reasons leadership seems so tough, focus and energy are being spent on what? When it should be spent on what?

2. What are your thoughts on her list of, “measuring your office’s freakout factor” Do you agree? Disagree? Explain

3. Cy speaks to the chain of events that leads from an event to its (albeit disappointing) results. List the chain events and very briefly explain

4. Would you rather be right or widely successful? Do you agree with Cy or disagree? Explain.

5. Explain lead first manage second, reference Cy from this chapter.

6. What does Cy mean when she talks about playing favorites – Work with the Willing.

7. What are the three stages Cy speaks to regarding change?

8. What are the three core competencies that make people bullet-proof? Briefly explain

9. What are the three common mistakes to avoid?

10. What are the limiting beliefs Cy mentions? Briefly explain

11. What is Cy referencing when she speaks to ambiguity?

12. Complete the assessment on Appendix 2. Be honest with yourself when answering the questions. Then write a brief paragraphs of what you learned about yourself and how you might use this information.

Last paragraph, what did you like about the book and what did you not agree with. It is ok to disagree with an author, remember this is just one opinion and I want you to use this information to further develop your own views and thoughts. If you quote from the book be sure to properly site. I want to hear your words not complete quotes from the book.

Reality Based Leadership by Cy Wakeman Read More »

The following ten questions require you to think critically about the content presented in your text, synthesize the materials and/or reflect upon how the concepts apply in your own experience.

The following ten questions require you to think critically about the content presented in your text, synthesize the materials and/or reflect upon how the concepts apply in your own experience.

1) One of the challenges in the Canadian workplace is managing diversity. Managers must address the differences among diverse groups of people. Describe what is meant by diversity in the workplace and then explain how organizations of today must manage and/or accommodate this diversity. Provide examples to support your response.

2) What is perception? Describe in detail the three factors that influence perception. Give specific examples to illustrate your answers.

3) Compare and contrast some of the values of the Asian, Aboriginal, Francophone, and Anglophone cultures. For each culture, explain at least one way in which their values may impact management practices and strategies.

4) Describe and discuss equity theory and explain how a manager might apply it in the workplace. Give specific examples to illustrate your answer.

5) Describe in detail at least five barriers to effective communication within organizations and explain how these barriers can be overcome. Give specific examples to illustrate your answers.

6) Discuss in detail the concept of organizational politics. What constitutes political behaviour, why and how does it occur in organizations, and how do people use politics for their own benefit? Give specific examples to support your answer.

7)Do men and women lead differently? Compare and contrast men’s and women’s leadership characteristics and styles, and their general effectiveness in the workplace. Give specific details to support your answer.

8) Discuss in detail the four ethical decision criteria and relate them to issues and decisions about corporate social responsibility. Give specific examples to support your answer.

9) Why do people and organizations resist change?Discuss the tactics that organizations use to overcome resistance to change. How are some of these tactics related to organizational power and politics? Support your answers with specific examples.

10) Consider a group situation in which you have worked. To what extent did this group rely on the technical skills of the group members vs. their interpersonal skills? Which skills seemed most important in helping this group function well?

Submissions that receive a grade of 80% or higher were significantly more comprehensive in the responses provided to all 10 questions in the assignment. In addition they usually include links with the textual material that formed the basis for the questions. Importantly, their answers provide substantive discussion of the questions posed and are supported by illustrations/examples. They display a significant and comprehensive understanding of the relevant theories and concepts applicable to each question and case scenarios. Variations in this range reflect the level of comprehension displayed in responses but do not indicate any significant gaps in understanding of the key theories and concepts.Responses display an appropriate level of professional writing, clarity, and formatting and are free or significantly free of any grammatical or stylistic issues

Submissions in the 70-79 range show evidence of an acceptable level of comprehensive understanding of the relevant theories and concepts applicable to each question. They tend to provide correct and/or defensible responses to all questions but the level of discussion and linkage with the course theoretical and practice content, i.e., the text, were less comprehensive than a submission in the 80+ range.. Variations in this range reflect the level of comprehension displayed in responses but do not indicate any significant gaps in understanding of the key theories and concepts and their application. They may be less than the 500 word range per question suggested in the guidelines. Note, however, that there was no penalty in terms of grades directly because of this – it is simply that often submissions that are less than 500 words merited a grade of no more than 79 because of the level of content and discussion they provided. They also may display (but not necessarily) issues with writing style, clarity and comprehension, as well as issues with grammar and spelling. Formatting issues may also be present.

The following ten questions require you to think critically about the content presented in your text, synthesize the materials and/or reflect upon how the concepts apply in your own experience. Read More »

Two journal assignmnets on HR management – only 200 words each

Two journal assignmnets on HR management – only 200 words each

Question 1:

Recruiters are beginning to heavily use artificial intelligence (AI) and other smart technology recruiting tools in their jobs. One of the major selling points besides the fact that these programs save significant amounts of recruiter time is that artificial intelligence can make better decisions than human recruiters because of the lack of bias. However, most of the companies selling this software also note that AI programs are only as good as their programming.

Would you like AI to be used if you were applying for a job position? Why, or why not? How would you prepare your resume to ensure that, when AI is used, your resume if chosen?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

They are just journal questions so no real research needed and no references required.

Question 2:

The three primary options for what to evaluate in performance appraisals are traits, behaviors, and results. What are the pros and cons of measuring each of these options? As a manager, which option would you choose? Do you think your option would vary at all by employee, rank, or industry?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Two journal assignmnets on HR management – only 200 words each Read More »

retail Management Discussion Board W8

retail Management Discussion Board W8

Compose a post that integrates a complete Bible scripture verse and transcends all aspects of the following question(s) comprehensively and collectively as a single post.

– 300-400 Words

– Supportive References

Appendix outlines essential steps in establishing a retail business. However, the world may pose challenges to a Christian retailer that a secular text may not identify. In your initial post, identify and describe at least two (2) of these challenges and explain how you should confront those challenges from a biblical perspective.

Read: Levy and Weitz, Appendix A

retail Management Discussion Board W8 Read More »

Two journal assignmnets on HR management – only 200 words each

Two journal assignmnets on HR management – only 200 words each

question 1:

What is one scenario that you have experienced where employees were resistant to change within an organization? How did management handle it? How would you handle the situation as a leader of that company? What actions would you have taken to either prevent the resistance or change the resistance to acceptance?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Question 2:

Pay and incentive programs are being used both for knowledge workers and in non-knowledge worker occupations. In every industry, from restaurants to construction and low-tech manufacturing, companies are using more comprehensive pay and incentive programs to attract and keep workers in a tight labor market. Think about an industry you currently work in, have worked in, or would like to work in.

What incentive programs do you believe would motivate you to perform at a higher level?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Two journal assignmnets on HR management – only 200 words each Read More »

For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio

For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio

Project Response 3

For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio that you might use for an upcoming job or post-undergraduate applications. Before you can select which documents to write, you will need to decide which type of application you want to prepare for and find a sample one. I encourage you to select something you will potentially apply for in the next year or two.

For Project Response 3, please link the application you will gear your Professional Portfolio document towards, then write a 200-word explanation. In your explanation, answer the following questions:

  1. Will you need a resumé or CV?
  2. Will you need a Cover Letter or a Statement of Purpose?
  3. What are some key terms/ideas that are important to the organization you are applying to?
  4. What quality do you want to emphasize about yourself?

For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio Read More »

NUR300 Self Management PowerPoint

NUR300 Self Management PowerPoint

In this assignment, you will present a culturally sensitive self-management plan for a patient with a chronic disease.

Step 1 Choose a chronic disease that you frequently encounter in your nursing practice. Alternatively, pick a chronic disease that you would like to explore further.

Step 2 Select a culture that you often encounter in your practice or one that you would like to learn more about. For the purposes of this presentation, you may choose a culture based on religion; racial or ethnic group; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; or sexual orientation or gender identity.

Step 3 In a 6-8 slide presentation (excluding the title slide and reference slide), address the following topics: Identify the chronic disease you chose to present, including a short summary of the disease and its complications.

  • Identify and describe the culture you chose to present.
  • Identify a self-care need for a patient with the chronic illness you chose. For example, a patient with diabetes will need to monitor blood glucose levels; a patient with hypertension will need to follow a low sodium diet.
  • Identify two measurable, patient-centered goals for a patient with this self-care need. For example, “The patient will be able to give a return demonstration for obtaining a capillary blood glucose level.”
  • Present a culturally sensitive self-management plan for each goal. For example, Appalachians may believe that their lives are controlled by fate (fatalism). Therefore, they may feel powerless in their care. The plan of care will need interventions that help empower the patient.
  • Describe how you will evaluate whether the goals were met. Consider methods such as Teach Back in your evaluation of the goals.
  • Provide a summary of your presentation.
  • Provide a reference slide citing any sources used in the presentation in the format requested by your instructor.

Step 4 Include talking points and details in the notes area for each slide. These notes should document what you would say to an audience about each slide if you were to present in person.

Cite all sources using APA format.

*Important: Use this Sample PPP as a template to format your assignment to prevent unnecessary point deduction.

NUR300 Self Management PowerPoint Read More »

Explaining manager’s leadership style and subordinate progress

Explaining manager’s leadership style and subordinate progress

1. When the situation is stressed or critical, how much should a manager change in the manager’s usual leadership approach to exercise situational leadership? What parts of a leadership style should a leader not be flexible on?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

2. When encouraging and helping a subordinate organizational member progress professionally, how much effort should you invest in any one person? How much effort and mentoring is appropriate, and when are a manager’s efforts too much?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Explaining manager’s leadership style and subordinate progress Read More »

Read the ManagementFocusarticle about AstraZeneca (page577) of the textbook (13thed.), thenanswer the followingquestions in yourdiscussionthread.

Read the ManagementFocusarticle about AstraZeneca (page577) of the textbook (13thed.), thenanswer the followingquestions in yourdiscussionthread.

Apa Format. At least 3 references. At least 10 sentences for each questions.

Read the Management Focus article about AstraZeneca (page 577) of the textbook (13th ed.), then answer the following questions in your discussion thread.

  1. What international staffing policy is AstraZeneca pursuing with regard to its “high-potential” employees?
  2. Why does AstraZeneca limit this policy to just high-potential employees? Can you see a drawback in doing this?
  3. What staffing policy is AstraZeneca adopting with regard to its subsidiaries in places such as China? Is this an appropriate policy?
  4. Do you think the company is doing enough to limit well-known risks and costs associated with high expatriate failure rates? Is there anything else it might do?
  5. What do you think about AstraZeneca’s efforts to increase employee diversity? How might this benefit the company?

Read the ManagementFocusarticle about AstraZeneca (page577) of the textbook (13thed.), thenanswer the followingquestions in yourdiscussionthread. Read More »

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