
HCAD 640 Financial Management of Health Care Organizations

HCAD 640 Financial Management of Health Care Organizations

Discussion 1 Questions –


Instructions: Please answer using your own words in a minimum of 400, maximum 500 words PER QUESTION SINGLE spaced. Referenced with two (2) peer-reviewed journal articles or qualified text publish within the past five years and follow APA Manual 7th editions scholarly writing guidelines. When writing replies, please provide your experiences, new ideas, add probing questions and new literature on the topic to enhance the learning opportunity.




1.1. Major trends affecting the future of healthcare administration

After you read over the slide presentation posted for this weeks about some of the macro trends affecting the US healthcare system, think about how those trends may be affecting the future of the healthcare profession.  For example, what do you think about these following future possibilities?

  • Chronic Care Management companies take charge of care that keeps these folks out of the hospital as much as possible.
  • Geriatric Care Management companies use mobile technology as an alternative to institutionalization of old people.
  • Companies reduce the cost of care by moving services currently provided in a hospital to out in the community.
  • New mobile, robotic, and AI technologies become standard tolls for improving quality by reducing variations in the provision of healthcare services.
  • The overall healthcare marketplace remains nervous as it faces major changes in the Medicare program and the still unclear future of the Affordable Care Act, so it keep looking for all kinds of new ways to do more with less.

These questions are intended to get our thinking started.


What else do you see in the future of our profession as healthcare managers and administrators?



1.2. Empathy

A deep desire to help is common to those who enter healthcare. Yet, that compassion can be dampened by the demands of the workday.

By now, you should have viewed the Cleveland Clinic Empathy Video. What are your thoughts?






1.3. What will the job market look like in 5 or 10 years?

Lecture: While the US healthcare system represents around $3 trillion in annual spending and is the largest single sector of the overall economy, it also sits inside larger “macro trends” that help define the landscape of jobs.


For example, such factors as globalization, the frantic pace of innovative handheld and genomic technology (like the iPhone 6 and mapping the human genome project), 78 million Americans all hitting old age (and higher healthcare utilization) at the same time, and radically changing values and beliefs are all working together to create a larger “context” for new jobs in the healthcare system.


So what difference do all these big changes mean to us?  The answer is both obvious and complicated. I will answer the obvious part and leave the complicated part to you to discuss.


The obvious answer is that these big changes are changing the way we live our lives. Just think that it wasn’t that long ago that classes on the internet like ours didn’t exist. And now, we just sort of assume, without even thinking about it, that such classes are perfectly normal.


So the obvious part is that such factors as globalization, technology, the aging of our society, and changing cultural values are all working together to change pretty well everything that used to be – into something else.


The hard part – and the part you need to think about – is what do all the changes really mean to the careers of healthcare professionals?


If we think that healthcare professionals will continue to do exactly what they are doing now over the next ten years then we are not paying attention to how much the work world has already changed from the way it worked ten years ago.


How will smart phones create new jobs in healthcare?


Will genomic research eliminate certain diseases by modifying DNA?  What issues are raised by DNA manipulation?


How will the massive chronic care needs of the elderly create new career opportunities?


How will healthcare systems evolve to best leverage a global market for their services?


What new jobs may be created to best meet new consumer demands for more patient-focused care? Less institutionalization of the elderly? And better access to culturally appropriate care givers?


Answer Question:



So what do you think? What’s the job market likely to look like for you in ten or so years?

1.4 Introduction to Healthcare Financial Management

Read Hirsch, J.A., Harvey, H.B., Barr, R. M., Donovan, W. D., Duszak, R., Nicola, G. N., … & Manchikanti, L. (2016).  Once you have read the article, discuss the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate. “The SGR target is calculated on the basis of projected changes in 4 factors:


1) fees for physicians’ services,

2) the number of Medicare beneficiaries,

3) US gross domestic product, and

4) service expenditures based on changing law or regulations (Hirsch, et al. 2016).”


How have these 4 factors been tied to fiscal performance?  Find some additional sources and support your position through an original post in a few paragraphs.  Once you have completed your post, review the link of at least two of your peers.



1.5. Health Insurance, Managed Care and Reimbursement Methodologies

Cost accounting is one of the most challenging areas in accounting to understand. “A cost accounting system is a system for recording, analyzing and allocating cost to the individual services provided to patients (e.g., medications, procedures, tests, room and board) (Becker’s Hospital Review, 2014). The healthcare industry has been working toward the goal of correlating cost with quality. Read Porter, M. E., & Lee, T. H. (2016). From volume to value in health care: the work begins. Jama, 316(10), 1047-1048. Discuss how healthcare providers and patients can benefit when cost is correlated with quality of the healthcare services provided. Post an original discussion of a few paragraphs and support your statements with research.


1.6. Financial Statements

Financial reporting is critical to the success of any organization because this is how managers and other stakeholders evaluate the sustainability and profitability of an organization.  The healthcare industry accounts for nearly 20% of the US GDP as of 2018 (BEA, 2019).  While there is guidance for financial reporting to the respective government agencies, there is no consistency in the development of financial reports among private healthcare organizations.  Discuss the importance of consistent financial reports across all healthcare organizations.  Support your statements with research and post your discussion in a few paragraphs

HCAD 640 Financial Management of Health Care Organizations Read More »

Describe an example of leadership style and characteristics of leaders.

Describe an example of leadership style and characteristics of leaders.

1. Describe an example of the transactional leadership style you have used or seen a manager use. How did the approach work? Did the manager have to change approaches?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

2. What are some of the characteristics of a leader who implements the transformational theory into the workplace?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Describe an example of leadership style and characteristics of leaders. Read More »

Essay of accounting of 3 to 4 pages about: Define decentralized organizations and tell how they work and how they measure the performance of those charged with management. .Essay must contain minimum of 3 or 4 pages

Essay of accounting of 3 to 4 pages about: Define decentralized organizations and tell how they work and how they measure the performance of those charged with management. .Essay must contain minimum of 3 or 4 pages

Essay of accounting of 3 to 4 pages about: Define decentralized organizations and tell how they work and how they measure the performance of those charged with management. .Essay must contain minimum or 3 or 4 pages with more or minimum of nine (9)long!!!! paragraphs.

Essay accounting from book: Noreen, E.W., Brewer, P.C. & Garrison, R.H. (2020). Managerial Accounting for Managers. 5th edition. Chapter 11: Performance Measurement in Decentralized Organizations

Also can look information from: Walther, L. (2020). Retrieved from

Need to be minimum 9 long paragraphs. With references: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest.

No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is also accepted.

Could use information from The Big 4 CPA firms’ websites provide current (published in 2017 or 2016) publications relevant to this course. Here are the Big 4 CPA firms’ websites:

Format everything, including references APA Version 7th.( Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th ed. (2019, October 1). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association ).

References: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is also accepted.

Essay of accounting of 3 to 4 pages about: Define decentralized organizations and tell how they work and how they measure the performance of those charged with management. .Essay must contain minimum of 3 or 4 pages Read More »

Managing Health Care Quality

Managing Health Care Quality

Imagine that you are a hospital administrator at the Sunlight Hospital in California. The main complaint among the patients is the quality of care. Your job is to understand the state of the hospital, create value, increase efficiency, and turn the facility into a local hospital of choice. Whenever you are making visits in various wards to meet the employees and the patients, you hear how the patients love the hospital, but they would like to see certain improvements in care. The employees seem to be very busy executing their duties and not interacting much with the patients. The hospital board has asked you to compile a report of your findings and suggested strategy for achieving the hospital’s current goals.

Note: You may create or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Write a 4–6 page paper in which you:

  • Classify five measurements of quality of care in a hospital, and justify the major reasons why you believe these measurements matter to patients in their process of choosing a hospital for emergency or inpatient care.
  • Specify four main features in health care organizations that can be used to design a successful quality improvement plan. Articulate the significant manner in which the specified features can lead to failure or success of quality of care in Sunlight Hospital.
  • Suggest the salient reasons why quality of care would add value to and create a competitive advantage for the Sunlight Hospital. Justify your response.
  • Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to find four recent (within the last five years) quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Propose a quality improvement plan for a hospital that will add value and create a competitive advantage.

Managing Health Care Quality Read More »

PPD Team Presentation

PPD Team Presentation

Public Policy and Management

1. Tutor must thoroughly read the assigned reading on: Shui-Yan Tang and Daniel A. Mazmanian (2010) “Understanding Collaborative Governance from the Structural Choice Politics, IAD, and Transaction Cost Perspectives,” Working Paper, USC Bedrosian Center on Governance, and the Public Enterprise. (Attached to this question).

2. Tutor MUST collectively decide on 5 to 7 key ideas from the reading. Once you have these ideas, you should conduct research on a policy issue or public organization that the ideas from the reading could apply to. Good places to find policy issues are national newspapers (NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal etc.) or local newspapers (LA Times, Orange County Register, etc.). Public organizations to consider are: Federal government and agencies, state governments and agencies, county or local governments and agencies, and national or local non-profits.

4. When linking the reading to the specific policy issue or public organization you choose, you should keep the following in mind:

a. What key facets of the policy issues or public organization connect to the reading?

b. How does theory come to life in the policy issues or public organization you have chosen?

c. How can this policy issue or public organization help us learn the 3 to 5 key ideas from the reading you have identified?

d. Are there any gaps, inaccuracies, or other problems you see in the reading? Is this reflected in the real-world context you have chosen to examine?

5. When developing your 5 to 7 key ideas from the reading and how they link to your specific policy issue or public organization, remember to avoid making your presentation a mechanical summary of the reading. The goal of this exercise is to build your critical thinking skills and to develop you understanding of how theory connects to the real world. You should make attempts at novel insights and aim to join theory to practice. You MUST have a 3-10 PowerPoint slides to accompany your presentation.

6. After presenting your 5 to 7 key ideas and how they connect to the policy issue or public organization you have chosen, the team should raise 1 to 2 questions for class discussion. You are encouraged to use creative ways to organize the discussion around your key ideas and related real-world application.

7. Include a related video (3 min or less) from a news organization, think tank, or other credible source that relates to your presentation.

8. The evaluation of presentation will be based on the following criteria:

a. Thoughtfulness: creativity, insights, etc. (the key is to go beyond any mechanical summary) (5 points)

b. Delivery, i.e., whether each team member explain the ideas clearly and effectively; whether presentation guidelines are followed (5 points)

c. Quality of the discussion questions, and whether they trigger fruitful discussion (5 points).

*** Ensure that all work is not plagiarized and meets the standards posed above, otherwise payment will not be remitted***

PPD Team Presentation Read More »

Court Management Trends Paper

Court Management Trends Paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper related to trends in the management of courts. Explain how the following issues impact the way courts complete their function:

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

my MVP !! as always no plagiarism.

Court Management Trends Paper Read More »

Research Paper (4,000 – 4,500 words) No more than 4,500 words

Research Paper (4,000 – 4,500 words) No more than 4,500 words

An organization: Kent Hospital – A community teaching hospital that was established in 1946. The hospital is in Warwick Rhode Island and has over 2,300 employees on board.

Topic: Performance Management

The problem: Currently, the hospital has been in the spotlight due to an increase in medical error cases, which is attributed to poor skills in managing patients. Therefore, this has negatively affected the hospital’s profit margin and reputation. Furthermore, the hospital has been experiencing a higher level of patients’ dissatisfaction. Some of the employees have not been performing as per expected standards.

HRD solution I recommend: Kent Hospital should introduce effective performance strategies to reduce medical errors, increase patients’ satisfaction, improve the quality of health services provided, and boost its competitiveness.

Professor’s feedback: You may need to narrow it down to a single area such as medical errors or patient satisfaction. Remember, you only have a maximum of 4,500 words so you don’t want to burn a bunch of those up talking about your action’s impact on multiple results.


Identify a company or organization of your choice with a true and current HRD development opportunity. Prepare a comprehensive human resource development program on that opportunity.

The suggested outline for this paper is as follows:

Title Page


Overview of the subject company

Assessment of the HRD opportunity

Design of the HRD plan

Implementation strategy


Method of evaluation

Grading will stress structure, content, analysis, and style.

The paper must be at least 3,000 words in length, but not exceed 4,500 words not counting tables, figures, and any (optional) Appendices; it must correctly cite and use at least 10 ACADEMIC references, NOT counting the textbook. Please do not use SHRM or other commercially available sources for this assignment. ALL cited sources must appear both within the body of the text (in text citations) and in the References list. NOTE: for an “A” grade, the paper must use articles from peer reviewed journals or “scholarly” books.


Please read the professor’s feedback carefully.

APA lasted style.

Research Paper (4,000 – 4,500 words) No more than 4,500 words Read More »

CPSS300 The helping process

CPSS300 The helping process

Assignment Content

  1. In this assignment, case management (including case plan development) must be used based on the specific needs of an offender. A strength-based approach to case management services must also be implemented. Case management professionals follow a three-phase process, known as the helping process, to provide the support and structure needed to help others. The helping process includes the following three phases:

    • Assessment
    • Planning
    • Implementation

    Write a 525- to 700-word paper exploring the importance of the three phases. Include the following information:

    • Describe the significance of client participation during the helping process.
    • Discuss how a strength-based approach is used in each phase.
    • Describe the ethical considerations that must be addressed during each phase.

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

CPSS300 The helping process Read More »

MT435-3: Compare human resource management and project management principles to those of operations management.

MT435-3: Compare human resource management and project management principles to those of operations management.

MT435-3: Compare human resource management and project management principles to those of operations management. GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. GEL-8.03: Apply critical thinking to formulate a logical solution to a problem.

MT435-3: Compare human resource management and project management principles to those of operations management. Read More »

Tittle: Healthcare Quality Management – Reciprocal Inhibition Choose Topic: Health and Medical Select number of pages: 4

Tittle: Healthcare Quality Management – Reciprocal Inhibition
Choose Topic: Health and Medical
Select number of pages: 4

Healthcare Quality Management – Reciprocal Inhibition


Reciprocal inhibition is a good strategy to change reinforcers in the health care system and that “culture eats strategy.”


You can decrease the frequency of any behavior through punishment, but why not give some thought to reciprocal inhibition? Reciprocal inhibition is the process of defining the opposite of the undesirable behavior and reinforcing the positive instead. Reciprocal inhibition can be useful for leaders in helping change behaviors aiming for high reliability. For example, instead of punishing errors, reward quality.


Considering your organization, or a health care organization you are familiar with, write a 3- to 4-page paper that:


1) Describes how and where reciprocal inhibition might be used to improve patient outcomes in quality and improve patient safety.

2) Explains how using reciprocal inhibition may be an improvement in the culture of quality. Include any steps that will foster a culture of quality in an organization to become a high-reliability organization.

3) Recommends at least one strategy for overcoming the challenges of fostering a culture of high reliability.



Note: Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English. Be sure to support your work with at least five high-quality references, including two from peer-reviewed journals. The Assignment should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources in your conclusion and recommendations.







Joshi, M. S., Ransom, E. R., Nash, D. B., & Ransom, S. B. (Eds.). (2014). The healthcare quality book: Vision, strategy, and tools (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Chapter 10, “Dashboards and Scorecards: Tools for Creating Alignment” (pp. 241–266)

Chapter 14, “Leadership for Quality” (pp. 355–372)


Edwards, M. T. (2013). A longitudinal study of clinical peer review’s impact on quality and safety in U.S. hospitals. Journal of Healthcare Management, 58(5), 369–385.


Grintsova, O., Maier, W., & Mielck, A. (2014). Inequalities in health care among patients with type 2 diabetes by individual socio-economic status (SES) and regional deprivation: A systematic literature review. International Journal for Equity in Health, 13, 43.


Hall, W. J., Chapman, M. V., Lee, K. M., Merino, Y. M., Thomas, T. W., Payne, B. K., … Coyne-Beasley, T. (2015). Implicit racial/ethnic bias among health care professionals and its influence on health care outcomes: A systematic review. American Journal of Public Health, 105(12), e60–e76. doi:10.2105/ajph.2015.302903.


Kuo, R. N., & Lai, M-S. (2013). The influence of socio-economic status and multimorbidity patterns on healthcare costs: A six-year follow-up under a universal healthcare system. International Journal for Equity in Health, 12, 69.

Tittle: Healthcare Quality Management – Reciprocal Inhibition Choose Topic: Health and Medical Select number of pages: 4 Read More »

Leadership and CorrectionalReformPaper

Leadership and CorrectionalReformPaper

Note: Please check the quality of this answer to match the instructions.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that analyzes leadership and correctional reform at the local, state, and federal levels. For each level, include the following:

  • Identify and explain the qualities and capacities necessary for effective correctional leadership.
  • Evaluate which managerial style would best fit each type of correctional facility.
  • Identify and define key course offerings that would prepare a corrections officer for successful leadership in corrections.

Format your paper according to APA standards.

Leadership and CorrectionalReformPaper Read More »

Read the chapters and answer the followingquestions.

Read the chapters and answer the followingquestions.

Instructions: You are required to answer the following questions. You should save your answers in a Word document for submission. Please do not repeat the questions on your answer sheet. Instead, please list the answers numerically/sequentially by simply utilizing 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each assignment must have a cover page listing your name, the name of the assignment, and the date. The cover page does not count towards the word count. For each assignment, you are expected to answer the assigned questions in your own words. Each assignment paper should be at least 250 words. Papers less than the required 250 words will get zero. This does not mean each question requires a 250-word response; rather, the total number of words for answering the questions must total more than 250 words.

1. Why is the concierge an essential part of the personality of a hotel?

2. Explain the importance of accident and loss prevention. What security measures are taken to protect guests and their property?

3. List the measures used to determine the food and beverage department’s profit and loss.

4. Explain the problems a hotel faces in making the following departments profitable: restaurants, bars, and room service.

Read the chapters and answer the followingquestions. Read More »

Course:ERM. please find the requirement for more details

Course:ERM. please find the requirement for more details


After reading this week’s article, and any other relevant research you locate, please discuss the following in your main post:.

  • Which case study in the paper was most interesting to you and why?
  • Do you think that ERM is necessary in the contemporary organization and why?

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post

PFA the reference article

Do, H., Railwaywalla, M., & Thayer, J. (2016). Integration of ERM with Strategy (p. 35). Retrieved from Poole College of Management, NCSU website:

Course:ERM. please find the requirement for more details Read More »

Evidence-Based Project

Evidence-Based Project

Is there a difference between “common practice” and “best practice”?

When you first went to work for your current organization, experienced colleagues may have shared with you details about processes and procedures. Perhaps you even attended an orientation session to brief you on these matters. As a “rookie,” you likely kept the nature of your questions to those with answers that would best help you perform your new role.

Over time and with experience, perhaps you recognized aspects of these processes and procedures that you wanted to question further. This is the realm of clinical inquiry.

Clinical inquiry is the practice of asking questions about clinical practice. To continuously improve patient care, all nurses should consistently use clinical inquiry to question why they are doing something the way they are doing it. Do they know why it is done this way, or is it just because we have always done it this way? Is it a common practice or a best practice?

In this Assignment, you will identify clinical areas of interest and inquiry and practice searching for research in support of maintaining or changing these practices. You will also analyze this research to compare research methodologies employed.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.
  • Based on the clinical issue of interest and using keywords related to the clinical issue of interest, search at least four different databases in the Walden Library to identify at least four relevant peer-reviewed articles related to your clinical issue of interest. You should not be using systematic reviews for this assignment, select original research articles.
  • Review the results of your peer-reviewed research and reflect on the process of using an unfiltered database to search for peer-reviewed research.
  • Reflect on the types of research methodologies contained in the four relevant peer-reviewed articles you selected.

Part 1: An Introduction to Clinical Inquiry

Create a 4- to 5-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:

  • Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest. This clinical issue will remain the same for the entire course and will be the basis for the development of your PICOT question
  • Describe how you used keywords to search on your chosen clinical issue of interest.
  • Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search for the peer-reviewed articles you selected.
  • Provide APA citations of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected.

Part 2: Identifying Research Methodologies

After reading each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, use the Matrix Worksheet template to analyze the methodologies applied in each of the four peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include the following:

  • The full citation of each peer-reviewed article in APA format.
  • A brief (1-paragraph) statement explaining why you chose this peer-reviewed article and/or how it relates to your clinical issue of interest, including a brief explanation of the ethics of research related to your clinical issue of interest.
  • A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the aims of the research of each peer-reviewed article.
  • A brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the research methodology used. Be sure to identify if the methodology used was qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed-methods approach. Be specific.
  • A brief (1- to 2-paragraph) description of the strengths of each of the research methodologies used, including reliability and validity of how the methodology was applied in each of the peer-reviewed articles you selected.
password is Oladammy03

You can choose to go by the following topic or come up with your own.

Nursing staff exposure to infectious diseases

PICOT Question; Among the nursing staff (P), does washing hands regularly with soap and nursing staff education (I) compared to using protective gear only (C) effective in reducing infection rates in the hospitals?

Thesis statement: Although occupational safety remains a major focus to most health organizations, the nursing staff exposure to infectious diseases remains high.

Evidence-Based Project Read More »

AHS 8300 week 3 proposal

AHS 8300 week 3 proposal

In accordance with the guidelines provided in Week 1, you will submit a formal Thesis Proposal Outline for approval by the course instructor. The Thesis Proposal Outline is an overview of your project and is designed not only to formally announce your intentions as far as your Master’s thesis goes, but also to help you become more fluent in and informed about the topic for your project.

The Thesis Proposal Outline should be at least 7-8 double-spaced pages and include the following sections:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Statement of problem or question.
  3. Literature review.
  4. Statement of overall purpose.
  5. Chapter overviews.
  6. Explanation of limitations.
  7. Statement of project’s significance.
  8. Work plan/timeline.
  9. Bibliography

(Please note that this assignment is worth 10% of your grade for the course.)

AHS 8300 Thesis Outline Rubric (1)

AHS 8300 Thesis Outline Rubric (1)

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSignificance of Topic
20.0 ptsMastery

Topic of major importance and specifically related to the field of study. Topic has significant theoretical and practical importance to the field of study. Topic demonstrates a high level of innovative thinking. Topic directly relates to planning, implementing, and evaluating a program.

18.0 ptsProficient

Topic is important and related to field of study. Topic will moderately add to the body of literature in the field of study. Topic has moderate theoretical and practical importance to the field of study. Topic demonstrates a moderate level on innovative thinking. Topic directly relates to planning, implementing, and evaluating a program.

16.0 ptsBasic

Topic is of some importance and is related to field of study. Topic will somewhat add to the body of literature in the field of study. Topic had basic theoretical and practical importance to the field of study. Topic demonstrates some innovative thinking. Topic somewhat relates to planning, implementing, and evaluating a program.

14.0 ptsBeginning

Topic is of little importance or unrelated to field of study. Topic will not add to the body of literature in the field of study. Topic has little theoretical or practical importance to the field of study. Topic demonstrates no innovative thinking. Topic does not directly relate to planning, implementing, and evaluating a program.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose
20.0 ptsMastery

Clearly stated and appropriately worded. Well conceptualized.

18.0 ptsProficient

Clearly stated and appropriately worded. Moderately conceptualized.

16.0 ptsBasic

Somewhat understandable but needs clarity. Some level of conceptualization.

14.0 ptsBeginning

Unclear and confusing. No conceptualization.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Questions / Hypothesis
20.0 ptsMastery

Clearly related to purpose and understandable. Little or no revision needed.

18.0 ptsProficient

Related purpose and understandable. Moderate revision needed.

16.0 ptsBasic

Somewhat related to purpose and understandable. Significant revision needed.

14.0 ptsBeginning

Unrelated to purpose and poorly written. Significant revision needed.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview of Literature / Theoretical Framework
20.0 ptsMastery

Comprehensive literature review. Includes current and landmark literature highly relevant to the topic. Establishes an advanced theoretical framework (including motivational theories) for the research topic. Is appropriate for publication or presentation with little or no revision.

18.0 ptsProficient

Complete literature review with sound organization. Includes very few non-referred sources and provides current research relevant to the field and the topic. Establishes a sound and proficient theoretical framework (including motivational theories) for the research topic. May be appropriate for publication or presentation with major or moderate revision.

16.0 ptsBasic

Partially complete and somewhat disorganized. Includes few non-refereed sources. Establishes a basic theoretical framework (including motivational theories) for the research topic. Demonstrates a basic understanding of appropriate citation format, but requires significant revision. Is not appropriate for publication or presentation without significant revision.

14.0 ptsBeginning

Incomplete or disorganized. Includes an inappropriate number of non-refereed sources. Fails to establish an appropriate theoretical framework (including motivational theories) for the research topic. Fails to site appropriately. Not appropriate for publication or presentation.

20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat, Citations, & References
20.0 ptsMastery

Project is well organized, needing only very little clarification, if any. The entire project is presented in format appropriate for intended scholarly venue. Presentation of the material is highly appropriate and professional. All citations are APA appropriate. Additional sources are not needed. All citations and references are presented in proper format and do not need revision.

18.0 ptsProficient

Project is organized, but in need of major clarification in some areas. The majority of the project is presented in APA format appropriate for intended scholarly venue. Presentation of material is appropriate and professional. A high number of appropriate citations are used, Few, if any, additional sources may be needed. The Majority of citations and references are presented in proper format, and are in need of minor revision.

16.0 ptsBasic

Project is somewhat organized but in need of significant clarification. The majority of the project is not presented in APA format appropriate for intended scholarly venue. Presentation of material is somewhat appropriate and professional. A moderate number of appropriate citations are used, but more may be needed. Citations and references are not presented in proper format, and are in need of moderate revision.

14.0 ptsBeginning

Project is disorganized or difficult to read. Project is not presented in APA format appropriate for intended scholarly venue. Presentation of material is inappropriate and unprofessional. Few appropriate citations are used. Citations and references are not presented in proper format and need significant revision.

20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0


16 hours ago

Week 3 Readings and Resources


  • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

Please read the following:


AHS 8300 week 3 proposal Read More »

Training Plan Preparation Choose one of the challenges below (or one of your own) as the focus of an HR training or development plan for a department in a health care organization.

Training Plan Preparation Choose one of the challenges below (or one of your own) as the focus of an HR training or development plan for a department in a health care organization.

Possible challenges:

  • Teamwork is lacking in some functional units. Many employees are operating as individuals in areas where teamwork is essential. Poor or inadequate goals and objective setting seems to be a key issue.
  • There is a lack of preparation and orientation for newly hired employees. Many are not prepared for their job within the organization because of inadequate job-related training on company policies or procedures.
  • Employees appear to be wasting time and working inefficiently. Time management seems to be a problem for many.
  • Burnout is a very significant issue in the organization, especially among nursing staff. Supervisors are struggling to deal with the issue.
  • Or choose and define a comparable challenge of your own.

Use the Capella University Library and professional or academic resources on the Internet to research training and development strategies for addressing human resource needs.


Prepare a training and development plan for your chosen challenge that would be appropriate to present for executive approval. Include the following:

  • A description of how the proposed training addresses the identified challenge within an organization of your choice.
  • A list of employee types who should be included in the training and why.
  • A detailed description of the training topics and vector (seminar, online, conference, workshop, brown bag, et cetera). The budget and schedule should accurately reflect this choice.
  • A budget (personnel, equipment, supplies, et cetera). Make sure to document any assumptions you make.
  • A schedule with milestones associated with content creation and training delivery.


  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting standards.
  • Number of resources: Include a minimum of three resources.
  • Page length: 5–7 pages, not including the budget table or worksheet.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Training Plan Preparation Choose one of the challenges below (or one of your own) as the focus of an HR training or development plan for a department in a health care organization. Read More »

Top executives and members of a corporation’s board of directors have different roles and responsibilities.

Top executives and members of a corporation’s board of directors have different roles and responsibilities.

Discussion Question

Please respond to the following:Top executives and members of a corporation’s board of directors have different roles and responsibilities. Traditionally, executives have been responsible for determining the firm’s strategic direction and implementing strategies to achieve it, whereas the board of directors has been responsible for monitoring and controlling managerial decisions and actions. Some argue that boards should become more involved with the formulation of a firm’s strategies. How would the board’s increased involvement in the selection of strategies affect a firm’s strategic competitiveness? What evidence you offer to support their position?

Top executives and members of a corporation’s board of directors have different roles and responsibilities. Read More »

PPD Team Presentation

PPD Team Presentation

Public Policy and Management

1. Tutor must thoroughly read the assigned reading on: Shui-Yan Tang and Daniel A. Mazmanian (2010) “Understanding Collaborative Governance from the Structural Choice Politics, IAD, and Transaction Cost Perspectives,” Working Paper, USC Bedrosian Center on Governance, and the Public Enterprise. (Attached to this question).

2. Tutor MUST collectively decide on 5 to 7 key ideas from the reading. Once you have these ideas, you should conduct research on a policy issue or public organization that the ideas from the reading could apply to. Good places to find policy issues are national newspapers (NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal etc.) or local newspapers (LA Times, Orange County Register, etc.). Public organizations to consider are: Federal government and agencies, state governments and agencies, county or local governments and agencies, and national or local non-profits.

4. When linking the reading to the specific policy issue or public organization you choose, you should keep the following in mind:

a. What key facets of the policy issues or public organization connect to the reading?

b. How does theory come to life in the policy issues or public organization you have chosen?

c. How can this policy issue or public organization help us learn the 3 to 5 key ideas from the reading you have identified?

d. Are there any gaps, inaccuracies, or other problems you see in the reading? Is this reflected in the real-world context you have chosen to examine?

5. When developing your 5 to 7 key ideas from the reading and how they link to your specific policy issue or public organization, remember to avoid making your presentation a mechanical summary of the reading. The goal of this exercise is to build your critical thinking skills and to develop you understanding of how theory connects to the real world. You should make attempts at novel insights and aim to join theory to practice. You MUST have a 3-10 PowerPoint slides to accompany your presentation.

6. After presenting your 5 to 7 key ideas and how they connect to the policy issue or public organization you have chosen, the team should raise 1 to 2 questions for class discussion. You are encouraged to use creative ways to organize the discussion around your key ideas and related real-world application.

7. Include a related video (3 min or less) from a news organization, think tank, or other credible source that relates to your presentation.

8. The evaluation of presentation will be based on the following criteria:

a. Thoughtfulness: creativity, insights, etc. (the key is to go beyond any mechanical summary) (5 points)

b. Delivery, i.e., whether each team member explain the ideas clearly and effectively; whether presentation guidelines are followed (5 points)

c. Quality of the discussion questions, and whether they trigger fruitful discussion (5 points).

*** Ensure that all work is not plagiarized and meets the standards posed above, otherwise payment will not be remitted***

PPD Team Presentation Read More »

CPSS300 The helping process

CPSS300 The helping process

Assignment Content

  1. In this assignment, case management (including case plan development) must be used based on the specific needs of an offender. A strength-based approach to case management services must also be implemented. Case management professionals follow a three-phase process, known as the helping process, to provide the support and structure needed to help others. The helping process includes the following three phases:

    • Assessment
    • Planning
    • Implementation

    Write a 525- to 700-word paper exploring the importance of the three phases. Include the following information:

    • Describe the significance of client participation during the helping process.
    • Discuss how a strength-based approach is used in each phase.
    • Describe the ethical considerations that must be addressed during each phase.

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

CPSS300 The helping process Read More »

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