2 discussion posts abnormal psychology
2 discussion posts abnormal psychology
Discussion 1:
A comparison of two cognitive impairments that includes an explanation of the similarities and differences in their causes and consequences.
Please feel free to select the cognitive impairments. Please provide 2-3 citations. APA Format
Discussion 2:
A comparison (similarities and differences) between Jennifer and Rosa’s disorders found within Chapter 7, “Mood Disorders and Suicide, explain the factors that might make it difficult to differentiate between and diagnose the disorders. Next, postulate on some recommendations that might be given for treatment of either case if a forensic psychology professional were to evaluate the individual.
Jennifer is a 35-year-old graphic designer who is married and has three young children at home. She has been running a successful, and growing, business out of her home office, which she has really enjoyed because working from home allows her the time and flexibility to be with her children when they are not in school. Jennifer experienced a major life stressor 6 months ago when her husband of 15 years, Michael, told her that he was leaving her for a younger woman he met at his job. Jennifer was totally blindsided by this news. After an initial period of trying to work things out, Michael moved out of the house. Jennifer continued on with her business and managing of her household for several weeks, but then things started to change. She felt increasingly sad and would have long periods of crying throughout the day several times per week. Whereas she used to enjoy work, time with her children, and going out with her girlfriends, none of that seemed fun anymore. Even “movie nights” at home with the kids, which was one of her favorite times of the week, just wasn’t enjoyable to her anymore. Her body felt heavier and heavier and she lacked the energy to keep up appointments, leading her business to decline—she began losing even her most loyal clients. Jennifer also had difficulties managing her household, on several occasions forgetting to pick up her children from school and not remembering to make dinner for the family. Her eating and sleeping both declined drastically, and she spent hours lying in bed feeling like she had let down her husband, her children, and her friends. In addition to her extreme sadness, Jennifer began to experience extreme anxiety and worry in multiple domains. How would her business succeed? If she lost her business, wouldn’t she lose her house? Would she lose her children as well? Who would take care of them? She wanted to address all of these things but felt paralyzed and unable to take action. This led her to feel even more like a failure. She believed she was completely worthless and began contemplating whether everyone wouldn’t be better off if she was dead, which increased to explicit and frequent thoughts of suicide.
Hooley, Jill M. Abnormal Psychology (p. 213). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.
Rosa, a 20-year-old college student, came into the university clinic for an evaluation at the encouragement of her roommate. She reports that “ever since high school” she has “felt sad, like, all of the time … it doesn’t seem normal and I don’t know why.” Rosa notes that there was no major stressor that she can remember that triggered her feelings of sadness, “just the normal high school stuff.” But her feelings of sadness have persisted for nearly 4 years now. When asked about what her sadness is like, she tells the psychologist that she just feels like she is not as good as everyone else—not as smart as the other students, not as attractive as the other girls, and can’t seem to have fun and enjoy college like everyone else seems to be doing. Rosa was very active and popular early in high school: She was a member of the track team, in honors classes and an A student, and had a wonderful and supportive network of friends. However, during her junior and senior years, she lost interest in track and school, and just didn’t feel close to her friends anymore and so over time stopped hanging out with them. No one seemed to care or try to change things, which really affected Rosa’s self-esteem and to this day causes her to think that no one “really” cares about her. In
Hooley, Jill M. Abnormal Psychology (p. 216). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.