
Related Behavior psyc405-2204-01Unit 2

Related Behavior psyc405-2204-01Unit 2

  • Briefly, in 1-2 paragraphs, describe the company you selected in Unit 1. This can be a company that you are currently working for, a hypothetical one, or, one that you would like to pursue for employment in the future. Write a paper describing how you would recommend that the Work Life Committee change employee behavior by improving 2 of the following healthy workplace dimensions in the company you selected:
  • Write a paper describing how you would recommend that the committee change employee behavior by improving 2 of the following:

Include your rationale for selecting those 2 areas for employee behavior change and provide justification for your proposed method of leading that employee change. The proposal should include information about the focus of the change effort, what it is and why it needs to be changed. The change effort needs to be focused in the health behavior change models. The rationale and justification should be compelling, as they will be used to motivate employees to make the proposed change. Paper must include a minimum of 2 scholarly references in APA format.

Requirements: 500/700

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Psychology and public policy

Psychology and public policy

Homework help

Question 1 – Explain the relationship between psychology and public policy and how it relates to the health field. Provide an example of a psychologist impacting public policy in a health related issue. Discuss the ways that health psychologists are vital to public policy. Please list at least two scholarly references to support your response

Question 2 – Psychologists may face many challenges when working in the public policy sector. Identify two of these challenges. Discuss ways psychologists can overcome each challenge. Please list at least two scholarly references to support your response

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Final section- Agency Memo outline

Final section- Agency Memo outline

200-250 words for each

4. Recommendation for intervention
Select the intervention with the most promise for addressing the problem or issue experienced by members of your target population. This is the intervention that you will be recommending to your agency supervisor.
5. Single subject design
Describe the steps you would take to implement a single-subject study of the efficacy of using the selected intervention to address the problem or issue for a single member of your target population. Be sure to follow all of the procedures used in implementing a single-subject design, including the charting of results.

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Introduction to Understanding Plagiarism & into StudyHabits

Introduction to Understanding Plagiarism & into StudyHabits

1- What are your study habits? How do you study? When do you study? Where do you study? Do you study in a coffee shop, the library, at work, in the car, on the bus, in the shed? Do you listen to music or watch TV or work at the same time? Do you have a set time that you like to study, early in the morning, after the kids have gone to bed, just before the assignment is due? Do you take breaks? Do you have snacks? What snacks? Do you have to have something to drink? Tea, drink, water, beer? Are you multi-tasking while you study?

There are no wrong answers. As a scholar, you will be studying for a number of years, depending the level of education you are after and the timeframe available to complete your studies, you could be studying academically for the next 9 to 12 years. So, it is good to take a moment to think about your study habits, as it will only help us become better students.

P lease post your reply in 250 to 350 words – only.

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2- What is plagiarism? What are your experiences with plagiarism? Have you ever seen it? Do you know of anyone who has been caught plagiarizing? What can you do to make sure you avoid plagiarism? What are the consequences of being caught committing plagiarism in this class? Why is making sure no one plagiarizes so important?

Please submit your essay as an attachment, must be submitted either as a word. doc, pdf. or google.doc. Please do not submit as a pages. doc – I cannot open pages. doc in Canvas.

Please submit this assignment in 250 words -350 words – only.

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