
Psychology paper

Psychology paper

  1. This assignment asks you to once more address your fantasy organization.
  2. Submissions should be in APA format, with 12 point Times New Roman Font, 1” margins all around. Avoid passive voice, avoid first person, and check both grammar and spelling prior to submission. Students should include both a title page and a reference page in their submission, and should use at least 3 academically credible sources. Submissions should be double spaced and at least 2 ½ pages, not including title page, reference page, and appendices.
  3. Wikipedia is not a credible reference; do not use it.
  4. Neither your textbook nor Gardiner (1925) are included in the required 3 sources.
  5. Here’s what you should do:
    1. Explain how communication occurs in your organization. This should include upward, downward, and lateral communications.
    2. What is your organization’s official policy on communication?
    3. What really occurs?
    4. How does the leadership at the top see the importance of organizational communication, and why?
    5. What are the organizational leader’s thoughts on inclusion of employees in decision making?
    6. Explain the leadership philosophy of the organizational leader, and from where this philosophy developed.
  6. As an appendix, include the following:
    1. an example of a downward communication explaining the institution of merit-based pay for employees.
    2. an example of a downward communication explaining the need for an immediate reduction in force.
  7. These should be professional business memoranda, and should include your organization’s logo.
  8. Grammar, spelling, and overall professionalism will be important, as your leader’s cognitive ability may be inferred from the quality of the communication.

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12pagesresearchpaper on a topic of yourchoicerelated to humansexuality. APAstyle.

12pagesresearchpaper on a topic of yourchoicerelated to humansexuality. APAstyle.

12 pages research paper on a topic of your choice related to human sexuality. The paper should be written in correct APA style.


You can choose a topic that related to this information that I list below;

3 Female/Male Anatomy & Physiology

4 Sexual Response Cycle

5 Gender/Gender Roles

6 Sexuality over the Life Span

7 Love and Communication about sex

8 Sexual Expression

9 Contraception, Birth Control & Abortion

11 Pregnancy & Childbirth

12 Sexual Functioning


14 Sexual Coercion and Violence

For example,

Having sex at an older age is happier and healthier

The view on women in pornography films

12pagesresearchpaper on a topic of yourchoicerelated to humansexuality. APAstyle. Read More »

Anybody wanna write a philosophy paper

Anybody wanna write a philosophy paper

In this assignment, you are to take one of the Reading Reflection Drafts you have already written, and use that as a springboard for writing a more rigorous, polished, 1500-2000 word (5-8 double-spaced pages) short paper.

You may, alternatively, choose to develop your own topic for this paper, but you will need to get my approval for your topic in order to do so. In order to get an alternative topic approved, you must send me your topic before 4/23/20.

Please consult the Writing Philosophy module for helpful tips in writing a philosophy paper.

YOU MUST MAKE USE OF AT LEAST TWO ACADEMIC SECONDARY SOURCES IN YOUR RESPONSE. I have provided some potential secondary sources for many of the Reflection Draft assignments. Be sure to cite these sources in a way that enables your reader to follow up on your citation if they need to, as well as clearly distinguish between your understanding of what others have said about these issues and where your own thought is building off those insights. If you aren’t sure whether a particular source counts as “scholarly,” please ask (the general guideline to follow here is that the author should be a professional philosopher associated with some university, articles should be from peer-reviewed academic journals or books published by academic publishers).

this is what the response draft question was we had to answer:

Descartes goes through quite a bit of trouble convincing himself to adopt a fairly radical sort of skepticism in Meditation I. Over the course of the remaining Meditations, he attempts to work back from that skepticism to a firm foundation that he can be certain of and avoid the risk of error moving forward. He argues the he can be certain of his own existence, that he is a thinking thing, for God’s existence as an infinite substance, and finally, in Meditations V-VI, for material things (including his own body).

In your judgment, does Descartes adhere to his own standards of certainty beyond any possible doubt throughout the Meditations? If so, walk your reader through a sketch of the arguments he offers and explain why each step is sound. If not, identify where he seems to be abandoning his own standard and why he should not be permitted to make the step in question.

Here’s the actual story:

Meditations 1-2:

Meditations 3-4-Attached in the file

Mediations 5-6:

We also have to use 2 secondary sources (academic of course)

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Topic 1: Biological and Psychological Theories

What do you consider to be the most important issues faced by biological and psychological theorists in explaining criminal behaviors? Why? How could the theories gain more credibility in the scientific community?

Topic 2: Routine Activities Theory:

There are three routine activities that are likely to produce crime and enhance the chances of victimization. Name each of those three activities and discuss their implications

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Psychology research essay

Psychology research essay

aper requirements

Project options:

1) Examination of a psychological disorder

Students will select a psychological disorder and examine how that disorder is viewed in different cultures. Students must explain the psychological disorder, including how it is conceptualized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013), and compare and contrast how this disorder is viewed in at least two cultures (one of which may be US culture). In addition to the required peer-reviewed sources, students may wish to include information from non-scientific sources, such as news or social media sources.

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