Assessing Walt Disney as a leader

Assessing Walt Disney as a leader

Walt Disney was chosen as a leader for this project. I am including the paper written thus far along with references, I need help with completing this assignment with at least 7-10 pages in length thank you.

Using the famous leader you chose in Week 1, you will evaluate the leader based on course concepts covered in the last two weeks.

  • Summarize the key details about your chosen leader.
    • Who is s/he?
    • What is the organization?
    • What are one or two important points you have learned so far in your study of the leader?
    • This section of your paper should only be 1 or 2 paragraphs.
  • Analyze the leader’s alignment to the four universal principles: integrity, responsibility, compassion, and forgiveness, citing examples and research to support your assessment. In essence, how did the leader demonstrate (or not demonstrate) those principles in his or her leadership practice?
  • Analyze the different bases of power this leader used, citing examples and research to support your assessment. In essence, how did this leader demonstrate use of power and which bases of power did s/he use to influence others?
  • Analyze the demonstrated beliefs of this leader, citing examples and research to support your assessment. In essence, what did the leader appear to believe about:
  • Analyze how this leader affected the culture of his or her organization, citing examples and research to support your assessment. In essence,
    • How did this leader’s attitudes and actions affect followers?
    • Which behaviors had a strong effect on followers?
    • Was this leader credible? Based on what evidence?
    • How did this leader’s attitudes and actions influence the organization’s ethical practices?
    • Was the leader an ethical leader? Based on what evidence?


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Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901, in Chicago Illinois, to Elias and Flora Call Disney. Walt was one of five children with him being the youngest. He grew up with a physically abusive father who was also a religious man. Walt’s family took over a farm in…

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