Business Venture

Business Venture

Assignment Overview

Individual Project Unit:  Identifying Your Venture Due Date:  Mon, 7/18/16 Grading Type: Numeric Points Possible:   100 Points Earned:  0 Deliverable Length:  1,200–1,500!


Complete the following:

Review the assigned reading for this phase.

Watch this video.Visit video link to website references below

Provide 3 examples of businesses that do something similar to what you hope to do, and include a response to each of the following questions:

What is the business’ “why” for its venture?

What is your “why” for your choice of business?

Clearly articulate what your business will do, including the following:

Explain your production–distribution chain.

Identify your suppliers.

Describe your ideal location, and explain why it is ideal.


Sinek, S. (2010). How great leaders inspire action [Video]. Retrieved from


My example  a non-profit for at risk youth ages 13-17 years  non- profit college prep focusing on earning business degrees while manufacturing  product and gifts to sell and serve of managers including CEO though first line managers at a cost according to income. Possibly application to job positions and promotion to higher position within this non – profit

Assignment Objectives

Compare and contrast attributes of successful entrepreneurs with their own personality characteristic

Initiate the business planning process by identifying their product or service

Assignment Details

Answer Preview

My business idea is a form of a social enterprise or a not-for-profit business venture that is to be founded on the need of creating a positive social impact but also se to operate on the premise of a financial bottom line…

(1626 Words)

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