
Intergovernmental Relations


After reading the article “‘Big Questions About Intergovernmental Relations and Management: Who Will Address Them?” by Kincaid and Stenberg, choose two of the questions from the article that intrigued you the most. Then in 750-1,000 words, do the following:

Unit 1 Writing Assignment- Business Research


After completing the reading for Chapter 14 and the paper on Business Topics for Research Proposals, generate and refine research ideas and choose a suitable Business or Management research topic for this course.

Information Systems Security


What is the weakest link in the security of an IT infrastructure? What are some of the strategies for reducing the risks?

Role Development


Role transition from Registered Nurse to an advanced nursing  practice role occurs through acquiring the educational component of role acquisition and the occupational or work component of role implementation. These two factors contribute to your transition from BSN-prepared nurse to MSN-prepared nurse. Discuss three strategies for enhancing the nursing advanced practice role development.

Technology Development Strategies


Do you feel that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development, given the tremendous amount of largely spontaneous creativity that occurs today, often in areas where new technologies are not expected to exert a great influence. Why or why not?

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