
Corporate Social Responsibility


Research your present or past company’s view on corporate social responsibility. If you do not currently work for a company, pick a company that supports corporate social responsibility. Are there programs or initiatives in place to contribute to the community in some way? Review and describe these programs, and comment on their effectiveness to the community and organization, the employees, and the company.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics


Consider the potential conflict between corporate social responsibility and ethics while maximizing shareholder wealth. How does exercising Christian principles play a part in running a successful business while operating within state and federal regulations?

Corporate Social Responsibility


Define corporate social responsibility (CSR) in your own words. Once you have defined CSR, conduct research on your favorite Fortune 500 company and determine just how (or if) the company ranks from a CSR perspective. Provide the name of the company and a link to at least one reference from your research. Do your findings change the way you will support the company in the future?

Social Responsibility Related Questions


Should a company be allowed to patent a life form?Does it matter if the life form is a non-sentient organism like a plant?Is there a place where the law can ethically draw a line between life as property and life as beyond any person or business appropriation?

Question 2: International Framework Agreements


1. “Multinational companies (MNCs) must always adapt to the host country environment they are operating in”. Critically discuss this statement with reference to US MNCs in China or India.

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