
History of Google


#1 Select from the following topics:

Michelle Alexander and The New Jim Crow: How race matters in America.

Whites and the working class: Why they voted for Donald Trump.

Minority student clubs in American colleges and universities: Integration or Segregation?

Texting and English writing, does it help or hurt writing?
Google: Is it making us smarter or not?
Why women can’t have it all in modern society.

Why men can’t have it all in modern society.
From he or she: Gender fluidity in America and elsewhere.

Why gay men still have it better in America.
Select a topic of your own for the research paper.

#2 Compose a ten-page essay that argues your point of view.

#3 Include a works cited page with at least 5 sources (one of them can be the textbook for this course).

Here is the breakdown for the 100 point total:

1) Introduction of the research paper (10)

2) Thesis statement (10)

3) Supporting details- 5 or more (10)

4) Essay organization overall (10)

5) Citations (10)

Narrative of the Conflict


reflexive paper

Please see the final paper instruction. it is important to take a look at the ppt/documents i provided because the content you have to get to know and make a correct connection.

Before you start doing this assignment I hope you can read the entire assignment requirement, class lecture powerpoints, and follow them closely to make sure we would not need to revise basic issue later.

MAKE SURE to list the “exact page numbers” behind your reference (book). Take reference from academic websites end with “edu, org….”offically. AND try NOT copy but rewrite it in your own words and understanding. Please read through them. Thank you.

Martin Luther King and Civil Rights Movements


How have any of the authors from Humanities challenged or reaffirmed something that you learned from an earlier humanities class?

I am taking this class “Humanities” and during the course I’ve learn about these authors: Martin Luther King, Octavia Butler, Aime Cesaire, Malcom X, and Audre Lorde.

You can pick one or more of the authors above to draw comparison…. you can pretend to be me to give your own experience.

Dr. King’s letter, while at Birmingham’s jail


For this Final Assignment, you will write an essay based on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Letter from a Birmingham Jail you can access it here (Links to an external site.)

You will write an essay that covers the following topics:

Define the purpose of the letter

Summarize three main points of the letter,
Who is his audience?
Analyze the letter and describe how it fits into the Rogerian Model.
use explicit examples and the terminology (from your book) that informs the reader of the manner in which this letter meets the criteria for the Rogerian model.

how does the letter achieve the following: (HINT : Build your thesis around these items)
is non-confrontational, friendly
respects the views of others and allows for multiple truths
seeks to achieve some degree of agreement rather than absolutely convince
Must use MS WORD

Research skills


Research is more involved than simply looking things up online, just like there is more to cooking than popping something in the microwave. Cooking can actually serve as a good analogy: you can cook effectively using either store-bought, semi-processed ingredients or forage for wild plants. Likewise, you can do research that relies on published secondary sources, or gather firsthand information through field studies. But in both cases, it is necessary to learn how to recognize the quality of your ingredients and the how best to combine and process them in order to achieve worthwhile results. In this course, we will practice basic research skills by writing briefs on various topics.

Possible research topics are suggested for each module of the syllabus. Please choose one of the suggested options. The research brief is a 750–1000 word paper that reflects your independent exploration of that topic outside of class. The research brief consists of your own synthesis and analysis of the scholarly research on that topic that you have identified and reviewed from a comparison sources. In addition to any use you make of syllabus readings, please review three additional sources. Of the additional sources, at least two should be scholarly texts located through JSTOR or the Copley Library search interface, and no more than one can be a good-quality website.

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