World War II and The Cold War
Discuss the First 100 Days of the New Deal. What were some of the programs that radically changed American society?
How did World War II affect the following groups: Women, Japanese-Americans, and African-Americans?
Discuss the origins of the Cold War. What “hot conflicts” occurred between 1945 and 1975?
The Piece of String”
You should write an organized essay on ONE of the following:
Themes or narrative in Anton Chekhov ‘The Bet’
Narrative in Laila AbuLaila’s ‘Ostrich’
Themes in Guy De Maupassant’s ‘The Piece of String’
Links to the texts
Antony Chekhov’s ‘The Bet’ https://aliclassroom.weebly.com/uploads/6/1/2/2/61…
Leila Abuleila’s ‘The Ostrich’ https://www.intangible.org/Acrobat/LeilaPDF/Ostric…
Guy De Maupassant’s ‘The Piece of String’ https://www.cdschools.org/cms/lib04/pa09000075/cen…
Please check the attachments for the instruction
Requirements: .doc file | Essay | 1 pages, Single spaced
European colonization of Africa
Please read the assigned chapters (Chapters 11-17) in our textbook. Then complete your assignment choice and be sure to respond to one of your peers.
choose one option
Option A: Africa was a continent divided between rival imperial powers in the 19th century. For this assignment, please use our text and the web links to answer the following questions. How did European attitudes about Africans lead to European colonization of Africa? Give specific examples of people such as Cecil Rhodes. European imperialism had several effects on Africa. Identify and analyze several of those effects. Be sure to include specific examples such as the Berlin Conference, apartheid, Belgian Congo…
Option B: As with Africa and India, some areas also experienced the long arm of European imperialism. Please discuss the Opium Wars. What were they, when did they happen, and why? What were the consequences of the Opium Wars for China?
Option C: After reading the chapter on WWI and websites that include videos, pictures, and articles about WWI. Then, answer the following questions. What factors led to the outbreak of WWI? Why was it longer, more costly
Systematic scheme
Without an assessment guide, why are parties to a conflict notoriously inaccurate at describing their own and others’ behaviors in a conflict?
2. What is the value of using a systematic scheme for the analysis of a conflict event?
American Revolution
Following the 6 year war between England and France, explain how British rule over the colonists became more apparent. Be sure to explain the two taxes imposed by the British, and how this lead to resistance among the colonists. Prior to the American Revolution, explain some of the specific displays of resistance to British rule by the