Thrasymachus intervenes
The question for Lesson 2 is: by the end of book 4, Plato believes he has demonstrated that Thrasymachus is wrong about justice. What do you think? Has Socrates succeeded in refuting him? Why or why not?
To receive full credit for this assignment, you must:
1) write a post of 6-8 sentences answering this question for yourself, then
2) provide 4-6 sentences of thoughtful feedback on each of at least 3 posts by other people.
Customs and Border Patrol agent.
Job consist of 12-15 Job interview questions, looking for strong, thoughtful answers. each answer minimum 100 words. Job is customs and border patrol CBP. so please only bid if you have strong and thoughtful answers
For this job you will have to do a little research on Customs and border patrol. it consist of customs officers and border patrol officers. I just need you to research the CUSTOMS OFFICERS ONLY. I will send you some common job interview questions that you will answer. Just answer the questions as if you are on a job interview. Your experience is 20 years of military service as a law enforcement officer.
no citations, no nothing, just answer the questions as if you are being interviewed
1. Why do you want to become a Customs and Border Patrol agent?
Magistrate Courts.
In this module, you will submit a paper summarizing the court proceeding you observed and other relevant information. Your Module 03 Course Project should include the following information:
Date, time, city, state, name of courthouse, of court proceeding
What kind of court proceeding did you observe?
Trial, hearing, plea bargain, sentencing hearing?
If you watched recorded content, you must be sure to explain the source (You Tube, etc.)
What was the defendant’s name?
Name of all participants (judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, any witnesses)
What is the crime/specific criminal law that the defendant allegedly violated? (This will be important for the next part of the assignment.)
What individuals did you observe in the court proceeding? (prosecutor, judge, etc.)
What was the role of each individual you observed?
How were the defendant’s constitutional rights protected during the proceeding?
Health care law.
ASSIGNMENT: Health Law Resources Summary
Students will conduct an internet search for health care law resources for the health professional. Each Student will submit seven resources (including a web address) and a brief description of each resource’s relevance to health law. Evaluation is based upon selection and diversity, as well of relevancy
Challenges of mass murder.
In the aftermath of mass murders, the news media and members of the public ask questions such as “Why did he do it?” and “Were there any warning signs?”
Consider what you’ve learned this week regarding the sociological, psychological, and biological influences of multiple murderers.
Choose one of the following mass murderers:
Jared Lee Loutner
James Holmes
Seung-Hui Cho
Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold
Based on your choice, create a 4- to 5-page report in Microsoft Word that covers the areas mentioned below :
Provide the available information that describes the killer’s background (education, mental issues, criminal history, etc.).
Summarize the events surrounding the crime.
Identify and analyze which theory or theories best apply to this particular mass murderer. Explain why this theory is correct.