Constitutional Restraints on Political Power

Constitutional Restraints on Political Power

Please choose one of the following questions and respond to it:

1) Identify and discuss the general constitutional restraints on political power found in the
U.S. Constitution.


2) Explain what the implied powers doctrine is, how it evolved, and how it has been used
to strengthen the powers of the national government.

General criteria:

Please use standard margins of one inch on all sides and a
12 point font . Your paper should be 750 – 1000 words long, which is about 3 to 4 double spaced pages. Please
watch your spelling.
Please include as the first page a cover sheet which states your name, the date, class section, and which
topic you chose to write.

This is not a research paper. The issues have been covered in your text and in class,
and you should be able to write a fine paper using those resources. However, please feel
free to consult outside sources if you wish to enhance or elaborate on anything we have
covered so far. Please use examples when making a point. Properly used examples make it
easier for your reader to understand the point you are making, and often help the writer
understand the material better.

Answer Preview

The people of America are the mandated sovereignty over everything except God by the American constitution. The constitution is the supreme law of America and other laws can only be made in the persuasion of the constitution to be able to bind all the people from every state in the United State. After the constitution was made, there was the need for a government so that…

(843 Words)

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