Discussion Prompt Group discussion 2 questions. 250-350 words each

Discussion Prompt 1
Select a state or federal law or regulation related to patient safety that has been implemented within the last five years requiring hospitals or any other health care organizations to change the way they manage the delivery of care. Discuss the changes that have occurred because of this law or regulation.

Additionally, discuss the technology associated with either your selected law/regulation or a similar one. Are there ethical dilemmas that have resulted from technology changes when delivering care to patients or patient safety? Explain the dilemmas and how they might be resolved.

Discussion Prompt 2
Evidence-based practice is extremely important in nursing. Throughout your master’s program, you will complete research on various topics. Knowing how to construct a strong problem statement and complete a critical analysis of the available information to write a literature review is essential. Follow the instructions in the bullets below to direct you where to find resources on problem statements and literature reviews.

This week,

you will write a problem statement and perform a literature review in

preparation for your ethical issues debate presentation. Share your

problem statement in this discussion so that you can review each other’s

work and provide peer-to-peer feedback. Also, describe what you think

are the most important learning takeaways from the literature review

resources you reviewed.

Answer preview

Discussion Prompt 1

Strengthening Public Health Emergency Response Act is a bill in the American constitution that was introduced in the House of Representatives the year of its introduction was 2015, and it was presented there by Susan Brooks and Anna Eshoo. It was meant to give directions to the government regarding providing vaccines and treatment for some diseases which were dangerous (Clements, & Casani, 2016). Susan and Anna introduced the bill to the house in the way of response to a report by the blue-ribbon panel…

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