Importance of Investing in Early Childhood Care and Education

Importance of Investing in Early Childhood Care and Education

You have analyzed and evaluated several resources this week that present reasons why increased funding of development and learning in the early years seems to substantially contribute to a nation’s well-being. The pervasive line of reasoning, presented mainly by economists, revolves around the idea that investment in the early years will provide concrete payback in the future. Some of the benefits of quality early child care and education which are already established through research include individuals’ increased likelihood to become lifelong learners, a reduction in the use of welfare systems, and a lowering of juvenile crime rates. The main payback will be a better-prepared, better-trained workforce that will help to secure the economic future of the nation. The economists who write and speak passionately about the value of investing in early child care and education present these intended consequences with great clarity.

Yet, as you also know, besides intended consequences, every action or policy inevitably has unintended consequences. The unintended consequences of the economic argument for investing in early childhood form the focus of the second Discussion this week. In preparation, review the resources for this week that represent economists’ ideas about the importance of investing in early childhood care and education, and consider these questions:

  • What might be some of the unintended consequences for the concept of “childhood,” when childhood is primarily, or exclusively, defined as an investment opportunity with future payback expectations? Substantiate your thinking by citing specific credible resources (for example, other journal articles, information on websites of early childhood organizations, etc.)
  • What might be some unintended consequences for play and creative expression opportunities in early childhood care and education environments when these activities cannot be directly and obviously linked to future payback? Or, do you see evidence that they are being directly linked? And if so, in what ways? Substantiate your thinking by citing specific credible resources.

By Friday:


  • Your response (approximately one page in length) to the questions above. Refer to the required readings and/or the media segment, as well as to additional resources that substantiate your thinking.
  • A citation in APA format of at least two resources that you used to support your Discussion about unintended consequences.

Here are the resources:


  • Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Issues and trends in the early childhood field: Economists, scientists, and politicians supporting the EC field. Baltimore, MD: Author.


  • Article: Novotney, A. (2010). The recession’s toll on children. Monitor on Psychology, 41(8), 42–45. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Institute for a Competitive Workforce. (2010). Why business should support early childhood education. Retrieved from…
    Why Businesses Should Support Early Childhood Education (2010). Institute for a Competitive Workforce, September 2010. Copyright U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for a Competitive Workforce. Used by permission.
  • Article: The RAND Corporation. (2008). What does economics tell us about early childhood policy? (Research Brief). Retrieved from…
    What Does Economics Tell Us About Early Childhood Policy? by the Rand Corporation. Reprinted by permissions of RAND Corporation via the Copyright Clearance Center.
  • Article: Shonkoff, J. P. (2009). Mobilizing science to revitalize early childhood policy. Issues in Science & Technology26(1), 79–85. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Answer Preview

There are unintended consequences as a result of the concept of childhood being defined exclusively as an opportunity of investment that has a future payback expectations. Among these unintended consequences include an imbalance between children from families which are well-off and those from the poor background because the children from families that well-off are provided with more attention to increase the expectations of future payback…

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