Juvenile justice

1. What key race-based policies and practices have influenced the treatment of children and led to disparities?

2. What is the relationship between profiles of delinquents based on official statistics and the actual extent of delinquency?

3.Whatinterventiontechniqueshavebeenshown to be effective in youth affected by family violence?

Requirements: 800 words each


The Chapters below are from

Juvenile Justice: A Guide to Theory, Policy, and Practice – 9TH 18
by: Cox, Steven M.

Answer preview

In line with this, Congress enacted the JJDPA in 1974 intended to improve the rehabilitative element of juvenile justice. According to Jacobs and Sherman (2011), such a system predominantly served the White minors, whose numbers within the juvenile justice system were increasing due to the inclusion of status offenses in data collection. Courtesy of this, the youth of color represented a small portion of minors within the system. However, this rehabilitative approach towards delinquents did not last long in light of the public’s dissatisfaction with the rising cases of youth criminal activity.  The situation was not helped by influential scholars who further exacerbated it by indicating that such criminal activities would increase tremendously (Jacobs & Sherman, 2011).

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