Performance of students in academic institutions.

Follow the instruction carefully and develop a good 2-3 pages essay, and make sure you use the sources in the file below, thank you, no citation and footnotes needed

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Additionally, a change in mindsets will positively impact the performance of students. Some students have a fixed mindset as a result of their upbringing where when they failed; they were told and treated like failures, robbing them of the confidence to try again. Parents and teachers can help students to move from fixed t growth mindsets by encouraging resilience and determination in them. Believing that they can excel after multiple attempts will keep them inspired. A cultural and intellectual shift can improve student performance. Abandoning popular cultures that act as barriers to mental stimulation will boost productivity in students. An example is by moving students to new locations and schools with different customs. Developing relationship s between students, teachers and the administration reduces incidences of misbehavior in students and allows schools to deal with misconduct without using harsh

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