Post-traumatic stress disorder.

Interview someone who was traumatized through intimate partner violence (domestic violence). In your 2-page report discuss their coping techniques or what methods were used in their recovery or if they didn’t recover, where they are at right now and discuss why they are struggling to recover. Mention what treatment options you would consider as a therapist, to aid their recovery.

APA format with references and citing

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choice technique that motivates the patient to have a reduced fixation of relying on the traumatic experience. Further, Ackerman (2020) reveals that self-awareness of the present moment is a process that allows the victim to embrace the current experiences. While doing so, they are advices not to predict what will happen or trying to change what they are experiencing. Value awareness is the other process that helps an individual to evaluate what they value. In the process, they develop long-term goals that match their values. Most importantly, embracing the self as a context is a fundamental process in which patients get to evaluate their inner feelings and their external being. With the discussed steps, Mary can have a successful recovery journey framed with more emotional stability.

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