Education & Teaching Question

Education & Teaching Question


When it comes to learning a new language, students can feel pressure or anxiety when developing these new skills. Within your narrative response, utilize each theory listed as a heading. Within each heading, provide the requested information.

Use the following Headings for organization:

For each heading/theory provide:

  • A summary for how learning is acquired, developed, and influenced within the theory
  • The names for main theorists associated with each theory
  • An activity, strategy, or resource to promote this learning theory within your classroom
  • Discuss which stage of language acquisition this theory would impact the most and why
  • *Discuss which stage of writing development would be impacted the most and why
  • Provide a response for how this theory does, or does not, align with your personal teaching style and interaction with students.

You should have four, well-developed paragraphs in your narrative response.

Requirements: In-depth guide with all the details and steps

Here are a few resources to use:

5 Stages of Second Language Acquisition | Resilient Educator

Introduction to Language | Boundless Psychology (

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