Future Perspective in Social Work field

Future Perspective in Social Work field


  • Based upon your acquired knowledge of the administrative structure and internship experience with your field agency:
    1. making ethical decisions using the various codes of ethics in social work.
    2. issues of diversity, social, economic and environmental justice.
    3. managing personal and professional values in practice;
    4. advocating for individuals, groups, communities that have no voice;
    5. knowledge of social work with individuals, groups, families, organizations, and communities; evidenced based research.
    6. serving people with addictive behaviors in urban communities remaining professional by consistently assessing, reflecting and attending to the personal biases that impact treatment and recovery experiences and influence practice with people with addictive behaviors.
    • What does competency in urban social work mean as it relates to the position you are applying for?
    • How does this exercise impact your confidence level as an urban Social Work Professional?

Requirements: 2-3

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