Instructional strategies Discussion 5: Instructional Strategies

Instructional strategies

Discussion 5: Instructional Strategies

Organizing instructional plans that generate student/learner interest and foster their participation is an important concern in the teaching and learning processes.

Attention to students’ developmental and learning preferences can help to ensure that students/learners become more involved in the lessons and activities that are designed for them.


  1. Read the articles :
    1. Strategies at a distance (Links to an external site.)
    2. Effective strategies for teaching at a distance (Links to an external site.)
  2. Now discuss the key aspects that are important to consider when planning lesson/course delivery at a distance? Note: consider both fully Online as well as a Hybrid situation
    1. Include how Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy (Links to an external site.) can be useful in lesson planning?

Requirements: 3 paragraph

Readings-5 Instructional Strategies




  • Chapter 5
  • Appendix
    • Sample Interdisciplinary Unit Plan Web Designs

Gordon, et al

  • Chapter 9
  • Chapter10
    • Evidenced-Based Instruction

Supplementary Reading

Download The 4 Cs map of Instructional Design.docx

Teaching at a Distance: (Links to an external site.)

Teaching strategies for the Remote Classroom (Links to an external site.)

The Covid 19 Toolkit for Teachers and Parents (Links to an external site.)

Teaching styles and curriculum delivery:

How teaching is Changing: 15 Challenges for the 21st Century Teacher (Links to an external site.)

What is your teaching style? (Links to an external site.)

Teaching Methods and Theories…

chapter 9 and 10


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