Read Chapter 4 in Interpersonal Communication by Kory Floyd.

Read Chapter 4 in Interpersonal Communication by Kory Floyd.


This week we are talking about and learning about perception and how it influences our communication.

Read Chapter 4 in Interpersonal Communication by Kory Floyd.

Discussion questions for the week:

Watch this video and respond to a question below (Links to an external site.)


  • After watching the video above, how do you think the idea that the photographers were given shaped their pictures? What are the differences between the photographs?
  • What inaccurate perceptions do people often have of you? Why are people prone to making these perceptual mistakes? What perceptual mistakes concerning other people do you find yourself making?
  • Read “Prejudiced thoughts run through all our minds — the key is what we do with them” and reflect on your bias. How can we do to improve our perceptions? How can we make our bias less limited?

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