Issues in Marketing

Issues in Marketing

2-3 page paper with 2 reference. APA guidelines. Answer all parts of question. Discuss the effectiveness of social media marketing and how it has changed the way you make purchasing decisions every day. Consider the different types of social media and list the specific applications which best communicates with adults-and-those that best communicates with kids/ teenagers. What is the reasoning behind your response? If you are unfamiliar with social media applications, research reviews online and conduct your own research to formulate your responses. No cover sheet is needed. Use good grammar and spelling. Support your wok with cited and referenced research.

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Training Plan

Training Plan


An organization’s ability to provide its employees with additional knowledge or skills that employees can effectively utilize remains central to raising the level of performance and productivity of both employees and the organization itself. Too many training opportunities, though, are not effectively created and utilized. The consequence is that the training presentation or program does not change the basic character or performance of an employee.

Research an organization that recently enacted a new or innovative training program. Be sure to choose an organization with which you are familiar and for which you can gather sufficient information to successfully complete this assignment. For this assignment, develop a well-written paper that includes the following:

  • Provide a brief background of the organization and detail the general issues/problems that the training was intended to address (for example, the lack of motivation within the sales force).
  • Present the general components of an effective training plan and assess whether the training program developed and implemented in your example followed general components of an effective training plan, explaining why it did or did not.
  • Finally, evaluate whether the training plan may be effective or not, stating how you would modify the training plan to raise the chance that it may effectively modify the behavior/attitude of the organization’s employees and therefore lead to greater productivity and profitability.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 3-4 pages in length
  • Include at least two scholarly sources that support your position as stated in this assignment
  • Be formatted according to the APA Requirements
  • Sample paper for format requirements attached

Training Plan Read More »

According the articlepage58write the analystcase

According the articlepage58write the analystcase

according the article page58 “”in RE : eSTATE OF KUARLT 2000 MONT. 359(s. ct.MONT.2000) ” write the analyst caseaccording the article page58 “”in RE : eSTATE OF KUARLT 2000 MONT. 359(s. ct.MONT.2000) ” write the analyst caseaccording the article page58 “”in RE : eSTATE OF KUARLT 2000 MONT. 359(s. ct.MONT.2000) ” write the analyst case


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCaption and CitationFull Case Caption and Citation provided2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAction StatementAction Statement accurately represent the action in the case2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIssue StatementIssue Statement properly states the legal issue in the case2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOpinion of the CourtLegal conclusion clearly states the opinion of the court and dissent2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFactsFacts adequately represent the relevant facts related to the legal issue in the case2.0 pts

According the articlepage58write the analystcase Read More »

discussion question

discussion question

For each item in Assignment sections “Watch”, “Read” and “Event”, each student is to write a 150-200-word discussion post as follows:

  • What 2 or 3 key ideas did you learn from the videos, readings or events attended?
  • What surprised you and why?
  • Formulate 2 questions that you would like answered or points you would like clarified.

1.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #1 and #2 (

2.Work by Google (

3.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #3 and #13 (

4.“Creative Collaborations” (

5.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #5 and #18 (

6.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #4 and #7 (

7.“How to Start a Startup” Videos #8 and #16 (

8.“How to Start a Startup” Video #19 (

9.Kaufmann module “Entrepreneurial Selling” (

discussion question Read More »

Case Study :Public Health Nursing Week 2 Case Study: Public Health Nursing—Present, Past, and Future

Case Study :Public Health Nursing

Week 2 Case Study: Public Health Nursing—Present, Past, and Future

Review the following case study and complete the questions that follow. 

As a public health nurse at a free clinic, you are assessing and interviewing a 21-year-old woman who has come to the clinic because she doesn’t have any energy and hasn’t felt good in weeks. During the interview, you learn that she averages one meal per day, smokes up to two packs of cigarettes per day, and rummages through trash to find items she can sell to purchase food, snacks, and cigarettes. She admits to using street drugs every once in a while when she can find someone who will share with her. She admits her life is a mess and she doesn’t know how to make it better.

  • What data can you gather based on available client information?
  • What questions should you ask yourself while interviewing this client?
  • During planning, how can you, as the nurse, best assist this client?
  • What are the potential strategies that would assist the client to a “better” life?

Your paper should be 2 pages in length, in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1” margins. If outside sources are used, they must be cited appropriately.

Case Study :Public Health Nursing Week 2 Case Study: Public Health Nursing—Present, Past, and Future Read More »

Becoming a Learning Organization

Becoming a Learning Organization


Becoming a learning organization has become a common theme in organizational theory and development.The student will exhibit a clear understanding of what learning looks like in a healthcare organization and provide examples.


Submit on BlackBoard as a Word document, if Word is not available document must be submitted in rich text so that it can be converted to Word.

The paper must be no less than 1050 words but the student is not limited to 1050 words (No plagiarism)

There are no style or formatting requirements.

Any assignment not submitted timely will receive a 10% reduction


Refer to Chapter 6 in Crossing the Quality Chasm, how does the author suggest healthcare organization can and should learn.

Define –Learning Organization, from your personal perspective and well informed by your research.This is your individual interpretation.

What is to be gained from organizational learning?Compare to the theories covered in the chapters 20-23.

What examples were you able to uncover from your research, how do these apply to healthcare?

The questions above are only meant to provide a starting place for your coverage of this topic.Give some thought to your own career as a healthcare manager, how would you like to part of a learning organization?

Resources and Useful Information


Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century; by Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine
Washington, DC, USA: National Academies Press; 2001

Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy. Amy C. Edmondson. ISBN: 978-0-787-97093-2. Apr 2012, Jossey-Bass

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Does everyone have access to all popular culture

Does everyone have access to all popular culture

Music Television (MTV) started broadcasting in 1981 and went on to change the music industry around the world. By the second year of broadcasting, “I want my MTV!” became the advertising campaign slogan.

This simple advertising hook articulated the channel’s goal of a larger broadcast area but put it in the mouth of the intended viewer—a young rock and roll fan. People who did not have access to MTV but heard about it from friends or the media called their cable provider saying “I want my MTV.” Well-known rock artists like Billy Idol, Madonna, Stevie Nicks, and Mick Jagger appeared in commercials saying “I want my MTV.”

By 1985, the media conglomerate Viacom had bought the parent company of MTV and the programming moved away from 24/7 music videos to music pop culture news shows, and by the 1990s, reality shows like The Real World, 16 and Pregnant, Jersey Shore, and adult-themed animated shows like Beavis and Butt-head dominated the programming. Although the channel is still called MTV, it rarely shows music videos. The original sense of rebellion that MTV capitalized on had disappeared. The shared experience of being in the know, having seen the latest music video also disappeared.

Each summer, the United Kingdom shares a musical experience called the Proms. Started in 1895, the Proms (short for promenade concert) is a series of concerts that takes place across the U.K. and is broadcast on the taxpayer-supported BBC network. The Proms has become one of the largest shared experiences in the U.K., bringing the nation together over music. Sharing a musical experience can bring a community together, but first the community needs access.

Review this week’s Learning Resources as well as the student contributed resource.

Discuss the following questions (750 words):

Sources to be used:

Holt, D. & Cameron, D. (2012). Fuse Music Television: Challenging incumbents with cultural jujitsu. In Cultural strategy: Using innovative ideologies to build breakthrough brands (pp. 245–264). New York: Oxford University Press.
This reading is from a book called Cultural Strategy about innovative and insurgent marketing strategies for popular culture. The book addresses how popular culture finds and develops its audience and at the same time can restrict the development of new popular culture distribution organizations. The book as a whole includes discussions of everything from Nike, to Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, to branding social innovation. The selection above is about how a music video channel, Fuse, took on the giant MTV (Music Television) in an effort to reach the audience MTV originally appealed to: people who want to watch music videos, not reality shows or adult-themed cartoons.

Cultural Strategy: Using Innovative Ideologies to Build Breakthrough Brands, by Holt, D.; Cameron, D. Copyright 2012 by Oxford University Press – Books (US & UK). Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press – Books (US & UK) via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Federal Communications Commission Consumer Help Center. (n.d.). Obscene, indecent, and profane broadcasts. Retrieved from

The following websites may be helpful throughout this course by demonstrating ways of analyzing pop culture texts as artifacts.

Cultural Politics. (n.d.). Popular culture. Retrieved from

Pop Matters. (2015). Retrieved from

USC Annenberg. (2014). Media, diversity, & social change initiative. Retrieved from

Required Media

TEDGlobal 2013. (2013, June 18) Juliana Rotich: Meet BRCK, internet access built for Africa [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes.
This talk highlights access issues around the world and introduces a device that allows access to the Internet even when power is cut.


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write the discussion

write the discussion


The Iliad Discussion

Please write at least 300 words (in total for three discussions), and Reference in the end.

Book: Volume A of the Norton Anthology of World Literature

  1. The Invocation/Proem and the Identity of Homer

Review the biographical information about Homer and the background on his two great epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, both dating from 8th Century BCE Greece (which was not yet Greece, but a variety of city states with diverse governments that shared a common language – Ancient Greek – and a common cultural heritage – the Hellenic culture). Then look at the opening stanza of Book I of the Iliad, commonly called “the Invocation” or the “Proem.”

Who, or what, is being invoked here? Does this invocation remind you in any way of other ancient texts you might be familiar with, i.e. other epic poems or the Bible?

Who was Homer, and what is known about him? Why do we think of him as being the “author” of the Homeric poems, when, as with, for example, the epic of Gilgamesh or the Old Testament, much of the source material – the various myths and stories – were a preexisting part of the oral culture, in this case the 8th century BCE Hellenic world? In what way was Homer an author? How is his work in the production of the Iliad and the Odyssey different from that of the unnamed compositor(s) of Genesis, for example? How can thinking about Homer and his invocation help us to understand what it might mean, in western culture, to be an author?

As usual, use these questions to develop an idea for discussion. You need not answer all of them, of course; they’re just to prompt your response to the text. You may want to use a quote or two from the Iliad (or one of the other works) to support your ideas.

2.Cause and Effect Storytelling in the Iliad

Review all the compressed events relayed in Book I, and look at the “General Questions” handout (available under the “Course Materials” tab) under “Exposition and Setting.” What kind of background information is given in Book I that sets the story in motion? What would happen to the story if one of the chain of events were removed from the story? What role does the idea of cause and effect play in the narrative, and how might that presentation of a fictional world influence contemporaneous (that is, Homer’s 8th Century Hellenic audience) “readers” (really, Homer’s audience would have listened to a recitation of the poem, in song form, as most of the audience would not have been literate)? In other worlds, what kind of a world is Homer introducing in the Iliad? How is that world different in its nature from the worlds presented by other ancient epics?

As usual, you should use these questions to develop an idea for a response, and use one or more brief quotations as you develop your discussion.

3.The Ancient Greek Gods

Thinking about the Iliad, what is the role of the gods in the story? What kind of forces do they represent? And what kind of relationship do they suggest between mankind and the divine? What agency (that is, what power to control or shape events) do people have? What agency to the gods have? What is the ultimate power? Does Homer give his audience any help as they struggle to understand their place in the universe? In other words, if you were looking for answers to the big questions about the meaning of life, what conclusions might you draw from the cosmology presented by Homer in the Iliad?

You may want to review some important passages that include the gods (the invocation; Apollo’s plague, in Book I; Achilles prayer to his mother, Thetis, a demigod; the drama between Thetis and Zeus and Hera; the role of Zeus as father of Sarpedon; the creation of the shield of Achilles by Hepheastus; any of Athena’s many interventions in the war) and ask yourself how we are supposed to understand the dynamic role of these gods in the story? Are they metaphorical interventions? You may also want to compare these gods as they are presented by Homer and by his contemporary Hesiod.

As usual, use these questions to come up with an idea to write about and use a quote or two in your discussion.

write the discussion Read More »

Discussion1 Ethical Problem Solving in Research

Discussion1 Ethical Problem Solving in Research

For this Discussion, review the media titled Research Ethics. Keeping in mind that titles and research practices in South Africa may differ from those in other locales or academic environments, consider some of the ethical dilemmas faced by the narrator, Kevin Williams. Then read Decoding the Ethics Code,Chapter 11. Select one of the “poor outcome” cases (located in the gray sidebar boxes and indicated by a checked “x” in the small boxes next to each example).

Post by Day 3 a brief summary of the “poor outcome” case you selected. Then explain the ethical principle(s)/codes the researcher violated and how. Also, suggest one strategy the researcher could have implemented and explain how this might have helped resolve the ethical dilemma. Also, comment on whether the dilemma would change if either the participant or the researcher is located outside of the United States. Finally, describe any outcomes the suggested strategy might cause, including additional dilemmas, and explain why.

Be specific and include reference to the Learning Resources in your response.

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To access select media resources, please use the media player below.

Required Resources


  • Bersoff, D. (Ed.). (2008). Ethical conflicts in psychology (4th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    • Chapter 8, “Academia: Research, Teaching, and Supervision” (pp. 385–454)
  • Fisher, C. B. (2012). Standards on research and publication. In Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists (Updated 2nd ed. pp.205–245). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
    Decoding the Ethics Code, 2nd Edition by Celia B. Fisher. Copyright 2012 by Sage Publications, Inc. – Books. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. – Books via the Copyright Clearance Center.
  • Research Ethics Planning Worksheet. (n.d.). Retrieved from the Center for Research Support at
    • Mouse over the tab entitled Office of Research Ethics and Compliance (IRB)
    • Click on Application and General Materials
    • Click on the link to worksheet.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1979). The Belmont Report. Washington, D.C.: Author. Retrieved from


  • Center for Faculty Excellence: Institutional Review Board: Frequently asked questions. (n.d.) Retrieved from
  • Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Research ethics. Baltimore, MD: Author.

    Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 11 minutes.

Optional Resources

Note: Be sure to extend your knowledge of this week’s topic to your own specialization. Conduct your own research by reviewing the journals, websites and other publications of your specific specialization. Websites tend to have the most current information.

Discussion1 Ethical Problem Solving in Research Read More »

Work environment conflict

Work environment conflict

Describe two situations in which there was a conflict that was eventually resolved. These situations should be based on your experiences, but feel free to change names, details, and any other identifying information. Your brief descriptions (1-2 paragraphs) should provide enough information so that your classmates can recommend one of the five strategies for managing conflict. Do not include any information on how the conflict was resolved.

Please read the question carefully.

200-300 words

Work environment conflict Read More »

Strategy Formulation

Strategy Formulation


Purpose of Assignment

The Week 4 individual assignment is the second part of a three part strategic management plan for the company selected by the student in Week 3. The purpose of the assignment is for students to establish long-term goals and objectives; indicate, specify and discuss strategies; and investigate, consider and describe specific business strategies including vertical integration and strategic alliances, to achieve competitive advantage in the industry. The student also generates an appropriate organizational chart in alignment with the stated strategies.

Weeks 3, 4, and 5 Individual Assignments are integrated to generate a Strategic Management Plan. This is Part 2 of the three part Strategic Management Plan.

Assignment Steps

Write a 1,050-word report on the company you selected in Week 3, following up on the Individual Assignment of Week 3 (Environmental Scanning), and address the following:

  • Establish Long-term Goals and Objectives
    • Strategy Formulation.
    • Indicate the markets that the company will pursue.
    • Specify the unique value the company will offer in the selected markets.
    • Discuss the resources and capabilities that are required.
    • Analyze how the company will capture value and sustain competitive advantage over time.

Cite at least 3 scholarly references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment

Strategy Formulation Read More »

cognition and motivation

cognition and motivation

The very first psychologists began their foray into the field by wondering how people think. Those pioneers had no idea what a difficult journey they were embarking upon. Human thought processes are incredibly complex and psychologists still argue today about how thinking, or cognition, occurs.

The psychological science and definition of cognition was a huge step forward in the field of psychology, but it still did not explain why thinking impacted behavior. Thus, psychological researchers moved onto the study of motivation to explore how motivation influences cognitive change. Change in thinking may result in behavioral changes. Is cognitive change even possible without being able to identify a problem? Can behavioral change happen without cognitive change?

This week you examine how motivational theories explain cognitive change. You also explore the relationship between motivation and self-regulation, and apply theories of self-regulation to explain behavior.


  • Article: Alloy, L. B., Peterson, C., Abramson, L. Y., & Seligman, M. E. (1984). Attributional style and the generality of learned helplessness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46(3), 681–687.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the PsycARTICLES database.
  • Article: Bjornebekk, G. (2008). Positive affect and negative affect as modulators of cognition and motivation: The rediscovery of affect in achievement goal theory. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 52(2), 153–170.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Egan, L. C., Santos, L. R., & Bloom, P. (2007). The origins of cognitive dissonance: evidence from children and monkeys. Psychological Science (Wiley-Blackwell), 18(11), 978–983.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Prochaska, J. O., DiClemente, C. C., & Norcross, J. C. (1992). In search of how people change. Applications to addictive behaviors. The American Psychologist, 47(9), 1102–1114.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the PsycARTICLES database.

Please proceed to the Discussion.

Discussion 1: Cognition and Motivation

Change is not always an easy process, but motivation can assist in completing it. For example, some change is motivated by short-term needs that can be easily met (e.g., hunger motivates you to eat; being tired motivates you to sleep; and being thirsty motivates you to drink). Other change is motivated by long-term needs that cannot be easily met (e.g., good health motivates you to quit smoking; having a low-paying job motivates you to obtain more education; or vanity motivates you to diet and lose weight).

What psychologists wonder is: “Which came first-the chicken or the egg?” In other words, do you change your thinking first, and then a behavioral change follows, or do you change your behavior first, and then a thinking change follows? Perhaps it is a combination of both. Psychologists are still in disagreement about how motivation explains cognitive change, but beginning in the 1970s, they began to develop theories to explain it. To prepare for this Discussion, review these theories in this week’s Learning Resources, and select one to use for this assignment. Begin to consider how this theory explains cognitive change.

Post by Day 3 an explanation of how the theory you selected explains cognitive change. Explain why you think this theory is superior to others in explaining this relationship. Support your response with references to the literature and the Learning Resources.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Discussion 2: Self-Regulation and Motivation

What psychologists call self-regulation is what lay people call self-control. It is the ability of a person to control his or her emotions, behaviors, and desires in order to obtain a future reward. As such, a person must have a comprehension of the future to be able to exercise self-regulation. Motivation plays a key role in self-regulation because it encourages working toward that future reward. For example, a student who excels in academics might exercise self-regulation by setting his or her goals effectively, adapting his or her learning style, and self-monitoring his or her progress—all for the future reward of good grades, pleased parents, and admission to a university. Nevertheless, motivation is not always positive (i.e., encouraging) in self-regulation. For example, a drug addict’s motivation to obtain more drugs may make that person unable to exercise self-regulation, comprehend the future, and obtain future rewards.

Post by Day 4 an explanation of how motivation influences self-regulation. Then describe two specific behaviors that could best be explained by theories of self-regulation and explain why.


Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

cognition and motivation Read More »

U.S. healthcare system

U.S. healthcare system

Topic 4 DQ 1


Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question:

The U.S. healthcare system is not as effective as I would like it to be. Many people in the U.S. suffer and do not get the medical assistance they needed because of the ineffectiveness of the healthcare system. There are many people who are uninsured so if they need medical assistance then they would have to pay out of pocket. Many times, even people with insurance have to pay out of pocket and it is a lot. So imagine people without insurance needing to pay out of pocket and how much that would be. Many people cannot afford to pay for healthcare out of pocket. That is why people do not seek medical help. According to Brennan, Cafarella, Kocot, McKethan, Morrison, Nguyen, Shepard, and Willams II (2009), “Preventive care is underutilized, resulting in higher spending on complex, advanced diseases” (p. 2). People with insurance and without insurance do not get effective treatments to manage their health issues.

People not receiving the care they need for their conditions, being uninsured, and paying large amount of money out of pocket even when you are insured are some of the reasons healthcare reform. According to Brennan, Cafarella, Kocot, McKethan, Morrison, Nguyen, Shepard, and Willams II (2009), there are around 46 million people who are uninsured. For the healthcare system to be effective and beneficial to the people then everyone needs to be insured. According to Hester, Stange, Seeff, Davis, Craft (n.d.), “…new structures for integrating and coordinating services, a renewed focus on patient engagement and patient-centered care, and new payment models based on the value of population-based health outcomes rather than the volume of services delivered” are needed for the healthcare reform (p. 3). Getting quality patient care, better health for communities, and no or low cost healthcare system is what we need.



Brennan, N., Cafarella, N., Kocot, S. L., McKethan, A., Morrison, M., Nguyen, N., William II, R. (2009). Improving Quality and Value in the U.S. Health Care System. Retrieved September 10, 2018, from…

U.S. healthcare system Read More »





Visual Meaning



Visual Meaning


Visual Meaning

There are three main strategies for analyzing works of art: contextual theory, formal theory, and expressive theory. Last week you used expressive theory to discuss a work of art by relating it to the life of the artist. This week you will discuss a painting in terms of formal theory; in other words, you will analyze how the meaning a work of art is shaped by its visual characteristics.

When artists began to create art in the nineteenth century that reflected the inner reality of the artist, they began to use color and form in highly subjective ways. In your post, please focus on a work of art by an artist discussed in this week’s reading. You can pick a work that is shown in your textbook or you can do a little research and choose something different. As you analyze the piece, please pay close attention to the formal choices made by the artist and consider the following questions:

-.How is color used? What is the visual impact of the color? Does it seem to have visual or psychological meaning?

-.What types of forms are evident in the work (organic, geometric, smooth, jagged, etc.)? How does this affect the way you experience the piece?

-.Is there a visual rhythm created by the repetition of forms and lines? How would you describe it?

-.Consider the composition: how does your eye move through the piece? What do you think is the focal point? How does the focal point relate to the meaning of the work as you interpret it?

This week I am not giving you a list of artists or specific works of art, but I encourage you to focus on a work that is associated with Fauvism, Expressionism (Die Brücke or Der Blaue Reiter),

Discussion Read More »

Subsidiary in a foreign country

Subsidiary in a foreign country


Some domestic companies are considering taking advantage of globalization and moving abroad or opening a subsidiary in a foreign country. Discuss two to three important issues faced by a domestic corporation that should be addressed when creating a transnational business strategy, including the role of human resources in this process.

Your initial posting should be well researched, at least 300 words. Your initial post must meet APA guidelines and include at least one scholarly reference from course materials.

Please read carefully 300 + words

Subsidiary in a foreign country Read More »

Leadership influence

Leadership influence

Select only one of the outcomes listed below, which will become the focal point of your Discussion Board (DB) response for this week. In your DB response, compare your organization or one that you are familiar with, to another organization that you research. Your research should be based on a scholarly peer-reviewed source that addresses the same topic as the outcome you have selected.

300 + words, please read the question carefully.

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