Blurred Lines Need Sunday 9/20

Blurred Lines Need Sunday 9/20

In a 700- to 1000-word essay, evaluate how technology has blurred the lines between personal and professional life for workers. Include the positive and negative outcomes as well as recommendations to leverage the positive and negate the negative outcomes. Integrate sociological concepts from the readings as well as those found in two additional scholarly articles.

Hello here are some resources for you.

Charoensukmongkol, P. (2014, July 01). Effects of support and job demands on social media use and work outcomes. Computers in Human Behavior, 36(71), 340-349. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Hargittai, E. (2003). The digital divide and what to do about it. In D. C. Jones (Eds.), New Economy Handbook (822-841). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 2003.

Offer, S. (2014). The Costs of Thinking About Work and Family: Mental Labor, Work-Family Spillover, and Gender Inequality Among Parents in Dual-Earner Families. Sociological Forum, 29(4), 916-936. doi:10.1111/socf.12126 Available in Academic Search Premier

Noonan, M. C., & Glass, J. L. (June 01, 2012). The hard truth about telecommuting. Monthly Labor Review, 135(6), 38-45. Retrieved from

TEDx Talks. (2010, May 25). TEDxDesMoines – Christian Renaud – Future of the workplace and workforce [Video file]. Retrieved fromTEDxDesMoines – Christian Renaud – Future of the Workplace and Workforce (Links to an external site.)TEDxDesMoines -  Christian Renaud - Future of the Workplace and Workforce

Thomas, K. J. (2014, January 1). Workplace technology and the creation of boundaries: The role of VHRD in a 24/7 work environment. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 16(3), 281-295.

The textbook:

Alonso-Villar, O., Del Rio, C., & Gradin, C. (2012). The extent of occupational segregation in the United States: Differences by race, ethnicity, and gender. Industrial Relations: A Journal Of Economy & Society, 51(2), 179-212. doi:10.1111/j.1468-232X.2012.00674.x

Blurred Lines Need Sunday 9/20 Read More »

Week 4 Leadership

Week 4 Leadership

Note: indicate the question before the answer

Read Chapter 5

1. Describe the organizational characteristics of the facility in which you currently have a clinical assignment. Include the following:

a. Type of organization

b. Overall climate of the facility

c. How the organization is structured

d. Formal and informal goals and processes of the organization

2. Why is the work climate of an organization important to nurse leaders and managers?

3. What are the ways in which a nurse can enhance his or her expertise?

4. Explain “shared governance,” and describe how it can affect the power structure of a health-care organization.

5. Why is it important for staff nurses to understand the culture and real goals of the organization in which they work?

1. Describe your ideal organization. Explain each feature and why you think it is important.

2. Interview one of the staff nurses on your unit. Find out what practices within the organization help to empower the nurses. Compare this list of practices with those discussed in the textbook.

3. Recall the last time you walked into a hospital, clinic, or physician’s office for the first time. What was your first impression? Did you feel comfortable and welcome? Why or why not? If you could change the first impression this facility makes, what would you do?

4-What changes could be made at a very low cost? What changes would be expensive?Finally, discuss why it is important for a health-care facility to make a good first impression

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Research paper on the topic “Solitary Confinement” at least 1500 words

Research paper on the topic “Solitary Confinement” at least 1500 words

You will discuss the following facets of the topic you choose (remember, these are the sub headers for your literature review):

  1. Introduce the issue as we are currently dealing with it in the U.S.
  2. What cultural and social attitudes and ideas have led us to where we are today?
  3. How do we fix the issue?
  4. What cultural and social shifts will we need to see to fix the issue?

Your paper should be structured as follows:

  • Introduction with thesis (you will have to work on this together, or your paper will make no sense),
  • literature review (with above subheaders 1-4),
    • Introduce the issue as we are currently dealing with it in the U.S.
    • What cultural and social attitudes and ideas have led us to where we are today?
    • How do we fix the issue?
    • What cultural and social shifts will we need to see to fix the issue?
  • conclusion,

Everything must be in APA format.

Research paper on the topic “Solitary Confinement” at least 1500 words Read More »

Presentation 3-4 slides applying course work on news article

Presentation 3-4 slides applying course work on news article

The article that you select should support or contradict course material. For example, an article might support or contradict economic theory or empirical results discussed in the textbook. You should not choose an opinion piece or an article that explains economic concepts to laypeople. To do well, you will need to read the relevant textbook chapter before choosing the article.

My topic is: consumer choice

Here is the article I selected Which you will need to connect to the course material :

I uploaded the chapter


Please note that I want you to cre presentation slides and try to write the description on the comments side

Presentation 3-4 slides applying course work on news article Read More »

First Generation viewing and reflection

First Generation viewing and reflection


We have now seen the challenges/barriers some successful individuals have had to overcome on their way to an education. But now, I want us to think a little closer to home, in something that may be more relevant to what you may be experiences. To do so, we will watch a documentary called First Generation. As the name would suggest, it focuses on four California students who are the first in their families to go to college. They each have different barriers to cross.

Step 1:

Watch the documentary below:

Step 2:

As you watch, work to complete the worksheet below.

First Generation Graphic Organizer



And you will go under modules week 3 you find it

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