Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the forces of change and approaches to managing organizational change in criminal justice agencies, including identifying observable aspects of organizational cultures.
Media Survey: Write at least 3 pages about Media survey related to science of sociology. You must follow carefully the attached file of instructions
The paper must be constructed as follows:
Section 1 – Summary
Summarize the news story in your own words and provide the basic details (who, what, when, why, and how).
Section 2 – Analysis
Analyze the news story using one of the following sociological theories (functionalist, conflict, interactionist) learned in chapter 2, or some of the ideas about social inequality and stratification in society discussed in chapter 7 of the textbook. Discuss how the theories or ideas apply to your news story?
Section 3 – Sociological Imagination
Discuss your thoughts about the content of the news story combined with your sociological analysis. Use your sociological imagination to interpret the meaning and create innovative insights. In other words, what are your views about the news story in consideration of the sociological theory that you’ve learned?
Please see the full instructions in the attached file
Wal-Mart: Globalization Case Study Need by 9/27/2020
To examine globalization, the focus is on the multinational corporation Walmart. After watching the videos and reading the resources, leverage scholarly resources and statistics in a 750- to 1000-word essay to do the following:
Hello this is a Discussion and a reply. The discussion should be about 500-600 words long and the reply to another student should be around 300-350 words. You have to include the two books I will provide and look for one other source to answer the questions. I will give you to samples of other students and you can so create an idea of how to do it and also the reply is going to be just to one of those students. Let me know if you pick student one or two for the reply. For the first question in the discussion you can use charter schools and people in prison as an example because I myself was a charter school student. And yes I believe that it can change and become restorative justice if we try. The rest you can write from the readings I will provide and from the source and your own thoughts tell me what you will say before doing it right away. I do not need an outline page you do not need to spend time on that. PLEASE use APA format. and be respectful in the reply to the other student. I provided first the discussion assignment second I provided the reply assignment than I told you which chapters to read and included the books in the drop box and at the end I gave you the two students discussions. I think it is clear if not let me know if you have any questions.
DISCUSSION: Where do you see restorative justice in general playing out currently, schools, prison, family? Do you believe our current systems and country given it racial & political climate fosters the opportunity for restorative justice? Identify the dominant and alternative discourses that support the school to prison pipeline. Define restorative practices in your own words (based on your experiences, the restorative video posted, lectures, and readings for this week). How could restorative elements shift the dominant discourse? Describe the distinctions between restorative and retributive systems. Also be sure to reference the resources from this month as well as identify at least one outside restorative reference (website, book, article) to support your response. (min. 500 words)
REPLY: In approximately 300 words respond to another person in your group about their planned circle. What did you learn by reading about their circle? What did you find yourself agreeing with and disagreeing with about their plan? Do you have any other suggestions for them to add to their circle based on the purpose they set.
SOURCES read those to be able to answer the question
Marian Liebman please read chapter 1& 2
Braithwaite please read chapter 1
Liebmann, M. (2007). Restorative Justice: How it Works. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.