Technology Integrated InstructionalLessonPlan
Technology Integrated InstructionalLessonPlan
For the final project, design an instructional lesson plan incorporating all of the learnings and emerging technologies you have explored in this course. Keep in mind the students that you will be teaching this lesson to and how best to engage them in the learning of your content.
Choose any content that you are interested in teaching and choose any grade level. Focus on the skill or concept and design the lesson integrating the technology. Refer to the technology project and the emerging technology assignments and incorporate them into your lesson.
The lesson plan should include details and should be between 5-8 pages. Spelling and grammar are of utmost importance.
Instructional Lesson Plan Components.
- Design for a blended learning model – face to face and/or virtual. Include the content, grade level and time span. Include details on technologies students need to have access to for the course. (1-2 pages).
- Describe how you plan to teach the lesson and how students will navigate through the learning. You can choose to create a table to provide details of the interactivity and timeline. (2-3 pages).
- Include audio/visual media that you have created to support teaching and learning. Describe how you plan to use it in your lesson plan. (1 page).
- Plan for an assessing student learning – quiz, project or visuals. (1-2 pages).
- Audio or video media to support lesson plan
- Presentations to support teaching.
- Website/online resources.
Resources for Lesson Plan
- Flipgrid
- Screencastify (free for 5 minutes)
- Zoom
- Slides
- Powerpoint
- Prezi
- Canva