Nursing Role and Scope week 12

Nursing Role and Scope week 12

DQ 12

· Select one question as your DQ 1

· Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

Chapter 12: Leadership and Systems-Based Professional Nursing Practice

1. What are the differences between microsystems and macrosystems in health care? Identify some issues in the microsystem where you practice as a student nurse that could be improved.

2. What are some similarities and differences between the leadership role in nursing and the manager role in nursing?

Requirements: minimum three paragraphs

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ACT425 Bitcoin

ACT425 Bitcoin


Review theBitcoin Video (Links to an external site.)

  • Write a 4-5-page paper including a summary of what you learned about Bitcoin, how this IT product is useful to accountants, and how it addresses web security and privacy concerns.
  • Assignment should follow APA guidelines with respect to use of subheadings, 1″ margins, and double-spaced. Use the CSU Global APA Instructions (Links to an external site.).
  • Page length requirements for the assignment exclude the title page and the reference page.
  • References need to include your textbook plus two additional credible academic references. All sources used, including your textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and cited per APA guidelines. Use of the CSU Global library is necessary.

Requirements: 4-5 Pages

ACT425 Bitcoin Read More »

What are some similarities and differences between the leadership role in nursing and the manager role in nursing?

What are some similarities and differences between the leadership role in nursing and the manager role in nursing?

Read Chapter 12: Leadership and Systems-Based Professional Nursing Practice


2. What are some similarities and differences between the leadership role in nursing and the manager role in nursing?

· Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

Plagarism free

What are some similarities and differences between the leadership role in nursing and the manager role in nursing? Read More »

Proposal for what you plan-on researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation: a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture.

Proposal for what you plan-on researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation: a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture.

need help to write

should write a paragraph about the major and my major is Management Information System include the works cited

  • Turn-in a ~ 1 page Proposal for what you plan-on researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation: a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture. Include a short write-up of your Ted Talk or Lecture and a couple of sources you’ve already found (other TTs, Lectures, articles, definitions, etc.).
  • If you have a couple of ideas for a TT or Lecture, include this in your ~1 page write-up. This is just getting your ideas on the page and start to this project.
  • There is no strict formatting for this. Just put this in clear paragraph form.

Requirements: Presentation | 1 pages, Double spaced

I need your help to write apargragh about my major Management Information System


but I need you to use smply words because I have to present and I’m second language

and I will send to you the laucture to have better idea about what you have to include in the paragraph

I’m studying in SDSU and my major Management Information System

Please let me know if you are able to complete it on the time

Proposal for what you plan-on researching, developing and delivering as a 10 minute oral presentation: a Ted Talk OR an Academic Lecture. Read More »

Environmental Science Question

Environmental Science Question


Final Project: Final Paper

This week, you will describe the range of options that are available to address the problem. (Defining a core list of reasonable options is a critically important part of the process of developing a solution to a problem.) You will also formulate a concise argument for your recommendations for the problem

For this assignment:

  • Review a reputable source of information on developing options and resolving conflicts when solving problems.
  • Study the range of options that have previously been proposed or tested for solving your chosen environmental health problem. Create additional potential options based on your own judgment and knowledge. Identify potential advantages and disadvantages of each option.
  • Write a 15- to 20-page, double-spaced paper in Word format addressing the following:
    • State the 2- to 3-sentence problem statement you submitted in Week 2.
    • Briefly introduce the topic of generating options when solving a problem. Describe a formal method by which the advantages and disadvantages of potential options can be evaluated by stakeholder groups to rank the potential options and to resolve conflicts when ranking options.
    • Describe and analyze several options to address the problem (options). Include solutions for populations with disparities, if applicable.
    • Limit your consideration to three to four major options. Briefly describe each option and the main advantages and disadvantages of each major option for solving the problem, including:
      • The likely effectiveness of the proposed solution
      • Costs in terms of dollars as well as effort and other resources (the exact costs are not needed but options should be described in semiquantitative terms ranging from “very expensive” to “relatively inexpensive” or ranging from “most expensive” to “least expensive”)
      • Time required for the option to bring about the desired result
      • Stakeholder issues (limit this section to the key stakeholder groups you identified in your Week 4 landscape paper. Discuss your three to four proposed options with regard to acceptability to certain stakeholders, lack of acceptability to other stakeholders, and common ground for all stakeholders)
      • Potential unforeseen consequences of the proposed solution or difficulties in implementing the solution
    • Summarize your three to four chosen options
    • Clearly identify which option is favored.
    • Describe why this option is preferred over the other options. Explain why, despite the drawbacks, this is the best action to take.
    • Identify what, if any, actions may be taken to mitigate or to overcome the negative aspects of your recommendations.

Requirements: 15 pages (double spaced)

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