Cultural Competence and Care Management

Cultural Competence and Care Management


Q1. Think for a while about cultural practices and how they affect health or illness in your own family (diabetes type 2 and hypertension). They may be difficult to identify as such at first, but they do exist. What ideas about illness prevention does your family adhere to? What do you do when someone gets sick? What rituals does your family practice when someone dies?

Q.2 In thinking of five social determinants of health as identified in Healthy People 2020, identify the social determinants specifically that may be barriers to home care and case or care management services, and explain why.

Req: APA style, 500 words in total (250 each questions) 3 paragraphs (3-4 sentences each), 3 references per question including the textbook. Demarco, R. F., & Healey-Walsh, J. (2020). Community and Public Health Nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Requirements: 500

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Tittle: Ethical Considerations for Poverty in Children’s Educational Attainment

Tittle: Ethical Considerations for Poverty in Children’s Educational Attainment
Choose Topic: Writing
Select number of pages: 2
Question Description: Below is a list of common ethics concerns with regard to research studies. Take time to review this list and reflect on ways each might apply to your selected research topic.

Informed consent with adults
Informed consent with children – assent
Deception of participants
Conflict of interest
Respect for persons
Vulnerable populations

For this assignment, summarize:
Specific ethical concerns that might influence or need to be taken into consideration with regard to your specific research simulation and why? (TOPIC: Poverty in Children’s Educational Attainment)

How you might address the ethics concern(s) you identified, i.e., modify or add to your research simulation?

Tittle: Ethical Considerations for Poverty in Children’s Educational Attainment Read More »

What are substantive postings? Substantive postings include:

What are substantive postings? Substantive postings include:

Unit 2: Discussion

Students are required to make main posts (three to four paragraphs) that address the specific discussion and peer review posts (responses to his or her classmates’ posts that are two to three paragraphs each).  All posts must utilize and cite material from the unit’s course information/readings, including complete internal citations and a reference list.  Each post is worth 8 points.

What are substantive postings? Substantive postings include:

  • Responding to discussion questions as well as discourse between students related to subject matter within the course. This includes posting responses to others’ answers within a Discussion Area. A response may express agreement with or challenge to the point of view expressed, supported by references (citations) to the text or lecture.
  • Contributing to the discussion based upon course content, theory, or personal experiences, not simply personal opinion.

This unit students are required to make one main post in each of the discussion questions, with one peer review post in either question (3 total posts- 2 main and 1 peer).


Question 1

Explain the usage of case studies in research design, including relative to your research proposal?

Question 2

What are you most interested in studying? In one sentence state the essence of this study, then write your research title. Using your formulated research topic to help determine your research question, list five key terms and use these to do a database search for peer reviewed journal articles. What were the outcomes of your database search? How did you modify your search terms to achieve a successful search? Which databases were most useful to you and why?

What are substantive postings? Substantive postings include: Read More »

500 words, APA 6th Edition – interorganizational relationships

500 words, APA 6th Edition – interorganizational relationships

Research the key term “interorganizational relationships” for organizational theory class.

Minimum 500 words, APA 6th Edition (Font: Times new roman, Font size :12, Double spaced).

Follow this format:

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term + add in text APA citation with refererence. This does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research, or findings.

DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, of how the article relates to ” interorganizational relationships “. Do not rehash what was already stated in the article, but add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: Have at least 1 reference with intext citation (peer-reviewed academic journal articles written within the past 3 years)

Requirements: Definition+500 words   |   .doc file

Please remember to include why we should put any weight behind the authors credentials and have a citation in the definition.

500 words, APA 6th Edition – interorganizational relationships Read More »

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