Business Policy Reflection

Business Policy Reflection


This assignment provides you with an opportunity to think critically about business ethics, business relationships, leadership, and how each contributes to an organization’s overall culture. Write a 500-word reflection paper by addressing each of the following items:

  • How does ethics impact business relationships within an organization?
  • How can leaders and their leadership styles impact the ethical practices within an organization?
  • How does ethics impact an organization’s overall culture?
  • Based on what you have learned in this course, how would you describe your approach to business ethics (i.e., What are your principles? What is your guide?)?
  • Conclude with a reflection on how the insights you gained from this course might affect the way you view your actions and thoughts in the future.

Your essay should be at least 500 words in length, double-spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. You will not need a title page or a reference page, as this paper is all about your thoughts.

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Critical Thinking Questions

Critical Thinking Questions

Chapter 4

  1. Please think of a research question that you would like to study that you could study using random sampling. What is your question, and how would you go about sampling randomly for this type of study?
  2. Please think of a research question that might lend itself well to using random sampling procedures, but which might be difficult to study using random sampling procedures. What question did you come up with and what sampling would you choose that closely mimics random sampling procedures?
  3. What do you make of the concept of sampling error? Does this idea make intuitive sense to you? Why or why not? What do you think would happen to a sample if sampling error was not included?

Chapter 5

  1. What do you think of the UCR? Do you like how it measures crime, why or why not? Do you think the improvements to the UCR made in the creation of NIBRS have helped? Why or why not?
  2. What do you think of NIBRS? Based on what you have read in the text, why do you think it is has not been widely adapted across the country? Do you think it will eventually replace the UCR or only act as a supplement to it?
  3. Do you think there are certain types of crime that lend themselves better to one type of measurement than another? If so, give examples of which types of crimes are best measured by the UCR, NCVS, and NIBRS.


Critical Thinking Questions


Chapters 6 and 7

Chapter 6

  1. In the perfect world of research what type of survey administration method do you think is the best? Please explain your answer and cite information from the text as to why your method of choice is the best.
  2. What do you see as some of the more salient (important) factors that might affect response rate? As a researcher besides from what has been discussed in the text, what do you think you can do to positively affect response rates? Can you do anything?
  3. What do you think of questionnaire design? Do you really think that it is important? Why or why not? Please explain your answer in detail.

Chapter 7

  1. What do you see as some of the inherent advantages of performing research with secondary sets of data? What are some of the weaknesses? Please think critically on this issue.
  2. Which type of data technique with secondary data interests you more? Content analysis or Meta-analysis? Why?
  3. What do you make of the argument between official data and self-report data? Which type of data do you see as being more valuable as a secondary data source? Why?

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BBA 3221 Sales Management PowerPoint on evaluation of individual salesperson.

BBA 3221 Sales Management PowerPoint on evaluation of individual salesperson.

You were recently hired as a new sales manager and are about to conduct your first evaluations of individual salespeople. You have called a sales staff meeting to explain what you plan to do. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of at least 8 slides with a title slide and reference slide. Please use at least one outside scholarly source in addition to your textbook. The title slide and reference slide are not included in the required slide count. Your slides should use bullet points and the notes section of the slides to add detail. Be sure you include at least the following components:

three reasons why you are conducting the evaluations,

three criteria you will measure as a part of your evaluation,

some advantages and disadvantages of an outcome-based evaluation,

some advantages and disadvantages of a behavior-based approach, and

how you plan to use salesperson job satisfaction in your evaluations.

BBA 3221 Sales Management PowerPoint on evaluation of individual salesperson. Read More »

M5A1: Climate change impact on a specific species/ecosystem

M5A1: Climate change impact on a specific species/ecosystem

I chose Monarch Butterfly

Summarize a primary (i.e., peer-reviewed) research article (not a review article) presenting original research documenting climate change effects on a species or ecosystem. Please do not use the species examples already presented in the required materials for this module. Please select an article that is not more than 10 years old.

The summary should be about 500 words in length (3 or 4 paragraphs) and it should essentially provide the answers to the “who, why, where, when, how, and what” questions. The summary must be written in paragraphs with sentences (no bullet points). Imagine your summary might be published in a review journal/outlet. You should include the following parts:

  1. Title of the article you are summarizing
  2. Introduction
    1. The topic
    2. The author’s research question(s)/thesis statement
    3. The author’s hypotheses or predictions and the reasons behind those predictions
  3. Methods
    1. Brief description of the population/community studied, materials and procedure, variables measured and controlled variables
  4. Results and discussion
    1. Main results
    2. Discuss whether the results supported or contradicted the hypotheses
  5. Conclusions
    1. Implications of the findings (especially in the larger context of climate change effects) and applications of the study
    2. Limitations of the study
  6. Complete reference of the article you summarized following APA style.

Requirements: 500 words   |   .doc file

M5A1: Climate change impact on a specific species/ecosystem Read More »

There is one (1) research paper due this term for Social Entrepreneurship.

There is one (1) research paper due this term for Social Entrepreneurship.

Tittle: MGMT 4235
Choose Topic: Business
Select number of pages: 4
Question Description: Individual Project 01

There is one (1) research paper due this term for Social Entrepreneurship. The assignment is designed to stretch your knowledge on selected topics. The paper will follow standard APA guidelines as to parenthetical annotation and works cited sections. Other parameters include twelve (12) point Ariel font, one inch margins, ¼ inch indentions, normal character spacing, single line spacing, headings, a cover sheet and works cited page, and no longer than 5 pages of text in length (7 total). No APA abstracts, executive summaries, running head, or letters of transmittal are required.

I am looking for a professional report that (a) demonstrates a command and understanding of the issues involved in the case and their interrelationships, (b) uses sound presentation logic and well thought through justifications, and (c) displays a liberal use of appropriate graphs, charts and tables, is expected. Turn in your Word files (Firstname.Lastname.IP01.Docx) to Canvas LMS for submission to Late submissions will not be accepted.

It is the list below for to do this project
1. Interview a Social Entrepreneur or manager of a non-profit organization. Please answer the following:
a. Name, address, telephone number, and email address of the Entrepreneur and the non-profit.
b. What problem are they solving?
c. Who is the target market for their organization?
d. How did they research the problem and were there competitors? I.E. Government or other non-profits.
e. How are they acting (solutions) on the problem identified in “b?”
f. Did they create an 501 (C)(3) or other designation? What legal structure did they implement? Sub S Corp, LLC, C Corp, etc.
g. How do they raise funds for operations?
h. What is the hardest part of creating the organization and day to day operations?
i. What advice do they have for other people that want to create a non-profit?

There is one (1) research paper due this term for Social Entrepreneurship. Read More »

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