ow has this class influenced your thoughts, feelings, and assumptions

ow has this class influenced your thoughts, feelings, and assumptions

Writing Question
This assignment is broken down into two parts. 1.) How has this class influenced your thoughts, feelings, and assumptions on obesity compared to where they were at the onset of this course? 2.) Also, reflect on your experiences working with your client. What worked? what didn’t? What would you do differently? A total of 500 words for both questions. So about 250 words for the fist question and about 250 words for the second question. The second part of this assignment is based on a project that I had this semester. This project made me recruit someone and worked with him on a weight loss/fitness program goal. I made my project more based on a fitness goal rather than a weight loss goal. You can take a look at the Pre and post assessment pdf to see what my patient goal was before he started and what he achieved at the end. The Semester SOAP Notes has all the notes and fitness plan of my client that I wrote throughout the semester. For example, for the question what worked. You can put that having good relationship and communicating with my client(he’s my brother but lives with wife) helped. That he has soccer experience so he’s familiar with a soccer fitness program. Doing more soccer related exercises like agility drills, ball technique, and soccer skills. For what didn’t you can put that he diet plan wasn’t as good as it should’ve been. Bad eating habits on the weekend. On what would you do different. You can put that being with him and working out with him could’ve helped him. Should’ve been more stricter on a diet plan. These are just some ideas. You can use them if you want or write something else. If you look at the post assessment you can get a better picture of what worked and didn’t work. DO NOT cite any sources please. This is a discussion assignment and will post on class discussion board

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Critique Letter

Critique Letter

Following the workshop protocol detailed in this module, write a personal letter to each student in your peer workshop group. The letters should be 250 to 300 words (approximately one page) each.

1. It’s important that you start your letter with what’s working well in the story. In the first paragraph, quote a specific moment that has stayed with you and explain why, in terms of craft. Giving specific praise is important because authors need to discover their strengths so that they can nurture those aspects of their writing.

2. Next, give the author a one-sentence plot synopsis of the story. Remember that a story should have a beginning, middle, and end. If there is something missing (like a clear conflict, turning point or crisis, or ending), then indicate the problem.

3. In the next few paragraphs, talk about how the author could improve the story. Point out places where you struggled with the story or where you saw revision opportunities.

Use the following list of questions to help you figure out what you want to say in your peer letters:

  • Does the beginning have an original hook and pull the reader in to the protagonist’s specific, high-stakes obstacle? (If not, make a specific suggestion.)
  • Is the protagonist round and believable or stereotypical? Is the protagonist dynamic (i.e., does the protagonist change as a result of the plot events)? Does the protagonist demonstrate agency (i.e., does the protagonist actively make a decision that impacts the outcome of the story)? (If roundness, dynamism, or agency is missing, give specifics regarding what the author could do to improve the character.)
  • Does the author use a balance of showing and telling? (Mention a particular moment that could benefit from showing, and write an example of how it could be done.)
  • Is there a deeper meaning to this story, or is it merely entertaining to the reader? Is the story only focused on plot/action, or is there an examination of a universal truth? List one or two themes of the story. Are the themes shown, or told to the reader?
  • Does a tipping or turning point or crisis lead to an ending that achieves resonance? Which type of ending (from the list of ineffective or effective endings included in this module) does the author use in this story? (Give an example of what the author could do to improve the crisis or achieve resonance.)
  • Notice that these questions are taken from the expectations on the rubric. You don’t need to answer every one of these questions. Instead, choose a few and go into detail.
  • While it’s also helpful to mention specific grammar or spelling errors, the bulk of your letter should focus on the elements of craft (using the guiding questions above) that we’ve been discussing so far this semester.

4. Finally, end your letter with questions for the author. The questions should provoke the author as they begin to revise. Don’t ask a question out of curiosity, such as “Where did you come up with this idea?” because that won’t help the author.

Think of useful questions that let the author know what you found confusing or what you’d like to see developed.

Please post critique letters for two peer drafts

Formatting instructions:

  • Using the “create new post” tool for each letter, paste the text of the letter into the text box. (This means you should have two posts in this topic, no attachments.)
  • Title each post “Peer critique letter for [student’s name].”

Please use this opportunity to both demonstrate what you’ve learned about the elements of craft and help your workshop-mates by being detailed and specific. Offer examples of where the author could be more subtle or impactful. A strong peer critique letter takes at least a 1/2 hour to write, while a one-paragraph critique letter is rarely useful.

Be sure not to respond to any feedback that you receive here, per The Booth workshop method.

Let me know if you have any questions,

Following the workshop protocol detailed in this module, write a personal letter to each student in your peer workshop group. The letters should be 250 to 300 words (approximately one page) each.

1. It’s important that you start your letter with what’s working well in the story. In the first paragraph, quote a specific moment that has stayed with you and explain why, in terms of craft. Giving specific praise is important because authors need to discover their strengths so that they can nurture those aspects of their writing.

2. Next, give the author a one-sentence plot synopsis of the story. Remember that a story should have a beginning, middle, and end. If there is something missing (like a clear conflict, turning point or crisis, or ending), then indicate the problem.

3. In the next few paragraphs, talk about how the author could improve the story. Point out places where you struggled with the story or where you saw revision opportunities.

Use the following list of questions to help you figure out what you want to say in your peer letters:

  • Does the beginning have an original hook and pull the reader in to the protagonist’s specific, high-stakes obstacle? (If not, make a specific suggestion.)
  • Is the protagonist round and believable or stereotypical? Is the protagonist dynamic (i.e., does the protagonist change as a result of the plot events)? Does the protagonist demonstrate agency (i.e., does the protagonist actively make a decision that impacts the outcome of the story)? (If roundness, dynamism, or agency is missing, give specifics regarding what the author could do to improve the character.)
  • Does the author use a balance of showing and telling? (Mention a particular moment that could benefit from showing, and write an example of how it could be done.)
  • Is there a deeper meaning to this story, or is it merely entertaining to the reader? Is the story only focused on plot/action, or is there an examination of a universal truth? List one or two themes of the story. Are the themes shown, or told to the reader?
  • Does a tipping or turning point or crisis lead to an ending that achieves resonance? Which type of ending (from the list of ineffective or effective endings included in this module) does the author use in this story? (Give an example of what the author could do to improve the crisis or achieve resonance.)
  • Notice that these questions are taken from the expectations on the rubric. You don’t need to answer every one of these questions. Instead, choose a few and go into detail.
  • While it’s also helpful to mention specific grammar or spelling errors, the bulk of your letter should focus on the elements of craft (using the guiding questions above) that we’ve been discussing so far this semester.

4. Finally, end your letter with questions for the author. The questions should provoke the author as they begin to revise. Don’t ask a question out of curiosity, such as “Where did you come up with this idea?” because that won’t help the author.

Think of useful questions that let the author know what you found confusing or what you’d like to see developed.

Please post critique letters for two peer drafts

Formatting instructions:

  • Using the “create new post” tool for each letter, paste the text of the letter into the text box. (This means you should have two posts in this topic, no attachments.)
  • Title each post “Peer critique letter for [student’s name].”

Please use this opportunity to both demonstrate what you’ve learned about the elements of craft and help your workshop-mates by being detailed and specific. Offer examples of where the author could be more subtle or impactful. A strong peer critique letter takes at least a 1/2 hour to write, while a one-paragraph critique letter is rarely useful.

Be sure not to respond to any feedback that you receive here, per The Booth workshop method.

Critique Letter Read More »

This assignment allows you to apply the fundamentals

This assignment allows you to apply the fundamentals

Other Question

This assignment allows you to apply the fundamentals of the three-step writing process (planning, writing, completing) to basic business communication messages.

Imagine you are planning a series of trainings for your team on best practices in workplace communication. Your first step is to send out an e-mail highlighting the topics of your upcoming series of trainings.

Write a 350- to 525-word e-mail message to your coworkers that discusses the topics to be covered in the upcoming trainings.

Your email should:

Apply the fundamentals of the three-step writing process as you write your message.

This assignment allows you to apply the fundamentals Read More »

Research an advanced nursing practice role.

Research an advanced nursing practice role.

For this assignment, you will research an advanced nursing practice role and summarize your findings in a 2-4 page paper (excluding the title page and references):

  • Focusing on the specialty for which you were admitted to South University, select an advanced nursing role to research. (It must be one offered by South University.) role: FNP (family nurse practitioner)
  • Distinguish the role as clinical or non-clinical and how it promotes patient outcomes, ie safety, access to health care or health information relative to the ANP level
  • Apply an Advance Nursing Practice Concept to your chosen role
  • Develop a minimum of ten questions that you would like to ask the advance practice clinician or non-clinician that you have chosen to interview. Identify in the paper the individual by name, credentials, position and your planned date for the interview (Interview is due Week 3)
  • Support your findings with at least two research articles (study, design, sample and results must be discussed). Other peer reviewed articles that are non-research and nursing organization websites may be used. All articles must be current (not more than five years old, unless it is a hallmark reference; i.e. American Association of College of Nursing. (2010)).
  • Format your paper, citations, and references using correct APA Style.
the role is FNP and the interviewee I will add the credentials and info.

Research an advanced nursing practice role. Read More »

BUS409 Compensation Strategies, Best Practices, and Challenges Presentation

BUS409 Compensation Strategies, Best Practices, and Challenges Presentation

For this assignment, assume you are a compensation analyst in a large financial services company. You have been in your role for almost a year. At your weekly one-on-one with your boss, she tells you that the human resources representatives at the company are fielding a number of questions from employees and applicants about compensation. The human resource representatives’ knowledge of compensation is not deep.


She asks that you prepare and deliver a 10- to 15-minute PowerPoint presentation (10–15 slides) at an upcoming departmental meeting that provides basic information about what is going on in the compensation field today. Specifically, she wants you to address compensation strategies that companies employ, note three of their best compensation practices, and examine three compensation challenges today’s companies are facing.


Develop and deliver a 10–15 minute audio PowerPoint presentation (10 to 15 slides) in which you:


    1. Analyze the compensation strategies companies use to attract and retain talent.
    2. Determine three best compensation practices used by companies.
      • Be sure to provide your rationale for selecting these best practices as opposed to others.
    3. Examine three compensation-related challenges companies face.
      • Be sure to provide your rationale for selecting these compensation challenges as opposed to others.
    4. Explain what discretionary benefits are and how companies use them to benefit the company and its stakeholders.
    5. Examine how laws, labor unions, and market factors impact companies’ compensation strategies and practices.
    6. Deliver a succinct, engaging, and informative presentation on compensation strategies, best practices, and challenges.
      • Note: Be sure to include additional detail about what you will say as you deliver your presentation on the notes pages in PowerPoint.
      • Consult Use Kaltura [PDF] for help in recording your presentation and uploading it to the assignment area.
    7. Integrate at least three quality resources using in-text citations and a reference page in your assignment.
      • Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources

BUS409 Compensation Strategies, Best Practices, and Challenges Presentation Read More »

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