Cul1150 cooking method

Cul1150 cooking method

Assignment #5 Cooking Methods This assignment is to have students research current industry trends related to cooking methods. Instructions: You are to identify an industry article that focuses on cooking. Read the article and offer a review on the cooking principles. (discussed in the textbook, On Cooking) shared that make the recipe great. You will be graded based on your ability to 1. Write a 150 to 200-word summary analyzing the cooking method discussed in the article. Share your understanding of key terms, techniques, methods, and equipment used. 2. Reference to periodicals/magazines: Cook’s Illustrated, Cooking Light, Food and Wine, and others focused on cooking techniques. 3. Be prepared to present orally in class. 4. Accurate use of citing your resources. Please reference the article, see below of APA style format for citing resources. Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number), pages. Author, A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical/Magazine, volume number (issue number)

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For each prompt below, respond with a college-level.

For each prompt below, respond with a college-level.

For each prompt below, respond with a college-level. You should use terminology from the lectures and/or course videos in your discussion. Do more than mention the terms, show that you understand them by giving examples. You should have distinct paragraphs, proper capitalization, spelling, grammar, and organization. You should address all the prompts below in your post. Then respond to two classmates’ posts.  Your responses should refer to course material and add to the discussion.

  • Consider a workplace, team, or organization of which you have been a part
  • Why do you think diverse groups perform better?
  • After watching the Ted Talk, what are your thoughts about the results? What does this say about rewards? (We normally do this challenge in class? If you have ever done the challenge, discuss your experience.)



For each prompt below, respond with a college-level. Read More »

BADM475 UNIT4IP Business Plan

BADM475 UNIT4IP Business Plan


Type: Individual Project. Unit 4: Business Plan Deliverable Length: 3,500–4,000 words


1) Will provide the business industry and name to write the business plan

2) Instructor wants financial charts and/or any other other charts that can support the numbers or scenarios included in this business plan

Key Assignment:

Write your business plan. Organization is important.

Outlines will vary based on the type of venture. A basic outline of the proposed business plan would include the following:

  • Cover Page
    • Name of the business
    • Address and phone number
    • Issue date of plan
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Company
    • Background
    • Business form
    • Reason for the firm’s establishment
  • Environmental Analysis
    • Economic
    • Competitive
    • Legal
    • Political
    • Cultural
    • Technological
  • Products or Services
    • Different from those currently on the market
    • Other uses for the product
    • Drawings or photos, if appropriate
    • Patents or trademarks
    • Competitive advantage
    • Potential for growth
    • Manage the product or service through the product life cycle
    • Expand the product line or develop related products
  • Management Team
    • Technical skills
    • Business skills
    • Experience
    • Compensation
    • Training
    • Professional assistance
  • Time Line
    • Outline interrelationship and timing of major events planned for your venture
    • Timing of objectives should be realistic and attainable
  • Benefits to the Community
  • Exit Strategy (How and how long before you and your investors will exit the business and get back your investments?)
    • Who will succeed you in the business?
    • Will the business be sold?
  • Financial Plan
    • Sources and uses of capital (initial and projected)
    • 3-year projections of:
    • Breakeven analysis
    • Conclusions and important points:
      • Discussion of how much equity and how much debt are included
      • Highest amount of cash needed
      • Expected payback period for loans

Please submit your assignment.

APA Style + minimum of 8 references (you may use your references from your UNIT4DB outline)


Attached is the outline you’ve worked on and I added some items that were missing before and others “if applicable to add to business plan” they are highlighted in red”. It seems that this instructor wants a detail explanation about competitors, financial plan, what type of business form… you will see it. I am including an outline from another student he commented that he liked the detail of his outline, and he commented he wants to see some graphics, just like if it was a business plan.

please make sure there is a,:

– Business description, – Marketing plan, – Management plan, – Financial plan, – and – Appendices.

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Critical review Major Depression Disorder

Critical review Major Depression Disorder

Paper to include:


Evaluate the disorder in terms of symptomatic and behavioral presentation. Include the time, course, and progression of the disorder. Evaluate and explain special features of the disease epidemiology including risk factors for development of the disorder, lifespan and reproductive factors increasing risk of developing the disorder, and any genetic, environmental, or behavioral factors that increase risk.


Evaluate the predominant theory or theories regarding the biological basis of the disorder. Explain the disorder in terms of pertinent neurotransmitter and receptor theories and use your references to provide an evidence base for these theories. Analyze neurotransmitter system(s) involved in the pathology of the disorder, including a description of: 1) the involved neurotransmitter(s) and receptor(s), 2) regions of the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nervous system) involved with any pathological anatomical changes, and 3) abnormalities of neural circuits and pathways. Include an explanation of how receptor agonists or antagonists would theoretically treat the disorder to reverse the pathology and restore normal function, or why they would be expected to improve symptoms.


Evaluate drug therapies for treating the disorder based on the current understanding of the biological basis of the disorder. Include a description of the behavioral symptoms and physical signs of the disorder, and identify the drug class(es) used in pharmacological therapy with a discussion of the mechanism of action of the drug class(es). Explain why the pharmacodynamics of the drug class(es) would affect the pathology of the disorder to restore function and/or improve symptoms. Include a discussion of the drug pharmacokinetics for each drug class. Provide examples of available marketed drugs within each class. Describe any drug side effects and/or adverse effects of the drug treatment and their biological basis, including issues related to contraindications, interactions, drug metabolism, and elimination. In addition, explain risks, benefits, and ethical implications for high-risk and exceptional treatment conditions.


Summarize theories of neuropsychological disorders as they relate to principles of drug action for that selected disorder. Provide a synopsis of the evidence base that supports or disproves current theories regarding the pathology of the disorder, advantages and disadvantages of current drug treatment(s). Lastly, evaluate any controversies regarding ethical and/or risk-benefit perspectives associated with the current treatment(s). Describe possible areas for future research.

APA Style 7 edition.

At least 6 Reference

Please see attached is 2 papers that was on this topic, you can reference information if you need to, its was required to be done prior to this paper final paper.

it could be either Depression, or major depressive disorder (MDD).

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