Select Journal Articles about Small Group Communication

Select Journal Articles about Small Group Communication

Other Question

Select Journal Articles about Small Group Communication

Each unit you will select one journal article. It should be based on journal articles addressing small group communication from communication journals accessed through Ebso’s Communication Source.Links to an external site. The articles should be reporting research that was done by the authors of the articles. Do not select theoretical pieces or arguments for or against a position.

Journal Article Examples

Below are some example ideas for journal article selection:

  • An article about decision making in juries might help lawyers shape their arguments in their closing.
  • An article about why bystanders don’t step forward to help women being raped might help dorm directors develop better training programs for their residents and help college administrators better deal with this problem.
  • An article exploring why teens in “popular” groups bully other students could help parents understand what their daughter’s posts on Facebook are doing to her peers and help them help her stop bullying.

Writing Your Paper

For this writing assignment, your job is to make this research understandable by and applicable to “average people” as defined by your target audience. At the bottom of your paper, indicate:

  • Who your audience is
  • The audience’s basic characteristics
  • How you think the audience could use this information.

Each paper should be approximately 500-600 words. Put a title at the top of the first page and use 10-12 character-per-inch font for the body type. Use one-inch margins.

Requirements: Looking for a more in-depth guide with all the details.

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