Social work major -weekly journal

Social work major -weekly journal

Discuss two (2) things you learned from readings/videos this week, and how it applies to your current practicum, or to the social work field in general. I am looking for critical thinking, self-reflection, and application to the field. (5 pts each)

FORMAT: please type up at least one paragraph for each item you discuss. APA and references

the reading…

video transcript : Post-Production FILE



FEBRUARY 20, 2020


Transcription PROVIDED BY:



Transcription is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.


>> We talked about that today would be our last session. We discussed that last week. And I’m wondering how you feel about that, this idea that this will be the last time that you and I meet again, rather.

>> Okay. I don’t know. Yes, it’s okay. We do need to do it. But I think I needed more sessions. I don’t know. Because I always feel like I’m ready to share something with you. Whether it’s about my homework. And I want to tell you my opportunities, this and that. So I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do it with my friends now. But yes, I think I need that encouragement to do it with my friends. Like, the way I’m talking to you. Because my friends don’t get it. With you, it’s open.

>> So this relationship has been quite hopeful in terms of how you’ve been able to be open about how you feel. And we’ve had conversations where you’re able to find some strength.

>> Yes.

>> Do you think that you can think of any friend, perhaps one of your friends, that you could have those kinds of conversations with?

>> Yeah, there is one person. It’s just that she’s the loudest one, you know.


>> Yeah, I think I have one to talk to her. Because she listens. The thing I like about her is she listens. And I think that’s all I need.

>> Yes.

>> I need someone to listen to me and not someone to judge me and say, oh, you’re completely over it. It’s done. [Indiscernible].

>> Exactly.

>> To me it’s still hurting so I think she is the perfect person.

>> She sounds like a good person.

>> Yeah.

>> Because I think, you know, if you can form a relationship with somebody out in your community who can continue to provide you with support, that just helps you to keep on the same journey that you’ve been doing these last — these last few weeks.

Do you feel like you have — when you say — do you feel like you’re reclaiming some of your life for yourself? Do you feel confident about what you achieved through our working relationship?

>> So far, yes, it’s been two weeks now since we’ve had it.

>> Yes.

>> And me stepping out of the house, going out and even going out to buy milk. So I think I have reclaimed back life.

>> I think so, too. I think so, too. So are we okay? I think the end is always a good sign.

>> I feel like crying right now.

>> It’s always sad when we come down to separate from an important relationship. But I feel really proud of you. I really feel very proud of what you have achieved and how you have proven to yourself and to me and to the world around you that you’re a survivor. And so are you feeling kind of ready do you think to step out and try to do this on your own for a while?

>> I am.

>> I think you’re okay. To me what I would like to suggest, though, is I would like to suggest we make an appointment in two week’s time just to do a follow-up and check that you’re doing okay and make sure that you’re continuing on this journey. And so would that be okay with you?

>> Yeah.

>> We have a follow-up meeting in two week’s time?

>> Two week’s time, that would be fine.

>> Just to touch base and make sure you’re s

.doc file | Other | 1 pages, Double spaced

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