1-pageproposal for financeresearchpaper

1-pageproposal for financeresearchpaper

I have to choose a topic in finance and write a 1-page proposal for that topic.

I have not chosen a topic yet, we can discuss that together but it has to be about finance

I will send you a sample paper to look at


Requirements: 1 page

Your papers are to be done individually – not collectively. Each counts for 30% of the grade. Early in the course, you choose a topic that you submit in a onepage proposal. At least four high quality scholarly sources in finance, economics, or related disciplines that you expect to use should be properly cited, including author’s name, journal, title, volume, number, pages, etc. Revised proposals may be resubmitted once as time permits. Your choice of topic ought to reflect financial dimensions. Some of recommended scholarly journals are: Accounting History, American Economic Review, Business History, Business History Review, Economic History Review, Financial History Review, Financial Management, Financial Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Business, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Political Economy, NBER Working papers, Oxford Economic Papers, Review of Financial Studies.

to be honest, I don’t have one, but we should choose one the is a little bit specific as the professor mention for instance, estimation of contribution of bitcoin on the economy of united states

I’m thinking about cryptocurrency because there is a lot of sources can be found about it

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