

Prompt (READ CAREFULLY): “SukarnoandHoChiMinhcontinuedage-oldtraditionsofresistancetoforeignruleintheirrespectivecountriesbutwereatthesametimetheproductsofWesterncolonialism.” Do you agree? Critically discuss by comparing the ideas and aims ofthetwo menand locating them within the larger history oftheir country’s experience under colonial rule after c.1800. At a minimum, your essay should consider the following questions: What distinguished these figures from others intheir own societies? Who and/or what inspired them? What weretheir principal aims, and what obstacles did they face in achieving them? (Hint: Your essay should consider the significance of factors other than Western colonialism in shaping Southeast Asian history during this period.)Your essay mustuse evidence and examples drawn from the lectures andthe readings, including the primary sources or‘Documents.’

Instructions and Guideline (READ CAREFULLY):

1.) There are 3 documents and a transcript of my professor’s lecture. Please ONLY use the documents provided and the lecture transcript. Use of outside resources ARE NOT permitted, that will result in failure and academic dishonesty. All work must be original! All 3 documents and transcript must be cited. Cite all your work with the page numbers

2.) 3 pages (Double spaced), times new roman, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins

3.) Your essay should not simply list a series of facts but should present a coherent thesis or argument.

4.) The first paragraph of your essay should provide a summary of your main argument or thesis. The main body of your essay should develop that argument or thesis.

5.) Be sure to support your argument with evidence and examples from the lectures and the readings, including both the Secondary Sources and the Documents.

6.) If you do not clearly demonstrate familiarity with the relevant materials from this course, your grade will suffer. In other words, do not rely on Google or other non-course sources in preparing you answers.

Requirements: 3 pages double spaced

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