How Amazon Does It: Decision Making Inside The World’s Most Daring Digital Company.

How Amazon Does It: Decision Making Inside The World’s Most Daring Digital Company.

How Amazon Does It: Decision Making Inside The World’s Most Daring Digital Company

Author: Ram Charan. Publication: Chief Executive

How Amazon Does It: Decision Making Inside The World’s Most Daring Digital Company (Links to an external site.)

Answer the following questions in the discussion thread:

1) What are some of themes discussed in the article that are mentioned in Chapter 1 of the book – Using MIS? Please describe in your responses.

2) Describe some of the behaviors at Amazon that Kroenke/Boyle consider ‘Critical Skills for Nonroutine Cognition’?

3) What are some of the culture themes you like that were described in the article?

4) Any themes you disliked, or were concerning?


4-5 points. Effort greater than expected; shows deep insight and analysis; thoughts are expressed clearly. Replies connect with original post and add to further discussion

2-3 points. Posts are simple; but shows some insight and analysis. Personal opinion lacks elaboration and detail

0-1 points. Effort is less than expected. Posts lacks any insight or analysis; rehashes or summarizes others’ posts.

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