Journal Entry about NBA

Journal Entry about NBA

Just One journal. please let me know the topic you choose

Journal Entry

Write two seperate journal entry about your experience with the organization you have chosen to study. 2-3 (800-1200 words each) single spaced each, 12 point font. These entries are up to you in terms of content — they can be good, bad or neutral experiences as long as they reflect upon the organization of your focus. Please feel free expansive in your interpretation of these guidelines.

The Topic I chose is NBA during COVID-19. Please don’t write them too unrealistic.

You can’t write I’m a Lakers fan in one journalĀ  a Celtics fan in the other.

Requirements: 800-1200 words each

I need no less than 1000WORDS no more than 1200 words

Just One journal. please let me know the topic you choose

Journal Entry

Write two seperate journal entry about your experience with the organization you have chosen to study. 2-3 (800-1200 words each) single spaced each, 12 point font. These entries are up to you in terms of content — they can be good, bad or neutral experiences as long as they reflect upon the organization of your focus. Please feel free expansive in your interpretation of these guidelines.

The Topic I chose is NBA during COVID-19. Please don’t write them too unrealistic.

You can’t write I’m a Lakers fan in one journalĀ  a Celtics fan in the other.

Requirements: 800-1200 words each

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