Psychology research essay
- 10-12 pages
- APA format
- Minimum 8 peer-reviewed sources, at least 6 of which must be published in the last 10 years
- Additional non-peer-reviewed sources are optional
- Appropriate in-text citations and references (in APA format)
- Scientific writing style
- No direct quotes (see link for exception)
- Turnitin score < 10%
Project options:
1) Examination of a psychological disorder
Students will select a psychological disorder and examine how that disorder is viewed in different cultures. Students must explain the psychological disorder, including how it is conceptualized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013), and compare and contrast how this disorder is viewed in at least two cultures (one of which may be US culture). In addition to the required peer-reviewed sources, students may wish to include information from non-scientific sources, such as news or social media sources.