Assignment – Agency Memo – FOSTER CARE

Assignment – Agency Memo – FOSTER CARE

Assignment – Agency Memo – FOSTER CARE


For this assignment, you will complete the first installment of your agency memo assignment (see Instruction section below).


In three to four pages, complete 1-5 by downloading and using this Memo Outline form.

1. Population

Describe your target population and problem or issue experienced by members of that population (see examples below). In all likelihood, the information you will use to describe your target population will come from some government source such as the U.S. Children’s Bureau (Child Welfare Information Gateway), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), or the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), or some advocacy organization such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), or the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF). Be sure to include appropriate citations in your response.

Example of target population and presenting problems:

FOSTER CARE – youth about to age out of foster care who do not have the necessary skills to successfully navigate the tasks of adult life (problem or issue here is lack of skills needed to navigate adult life).

2. Available interventions

Identify at least three and no more than five evidence-based interventions that could be used to address the problem or issue faced by members of your target population. Be sure to document the evidence for intervention use in your response.

3. Evidence for intervention use

Select two interventions from the group identified in the previous step that show particular promise for addressing the problem or issue experienced by members of your target population.

You are supposed to add the following two parts to the previous aper done. Also see the comments from the lecturere and adjust the first part accodingly.

4. Recommendation for intervention

Select the intervention with the most promise for addressing the problem or issue experienced by members of your target population. This is the intervention that you will be recommending to your agency supervisor.

5. Single subject design

Describe the steps you would take to implement a single-subject study of the efficacy of using the selected intervention to address the problem or issue for a single member of your target population. Be sure to follow all of the procedures used in implementing a single-subject design, including the charting of results.

More guidelines and comments from the lecturer



Memo clearly & concisely identifies the problem with a clear connections to the population’s need.

“Transferred from Week 3.”

Available Interventions

Memo clearly, and distinctly summarizes plausible potential interventions.

“Revisons acknowledged and accepted. Nice work.”

Intervention Evaluations

Memo discusses 2+ intervention evaluations providing thorough critiques of evaluation research methods.

“Here, you need to include information from the sour cs you used to identify the interventions you identified above. This information will be either in the results or discussion sections of the studies. Please provide that information with your Week 7 submission. Partial credit awarded.”


Memo recommends one intervention with clear support by research evidence.

Please choose from one the three interventions you identified in step 2 above and include that choice here.

Single Subject Design

Memo completely articulates all aspects of a single-subject design: methods, data collection, and measure.

Here, you are to take the intervention that you recommended to your agency supervisor and conduct a single-subject with one member of your proposed target population.

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