The ongoing conflict in the Middle East for over 70 years since 1948 Inbox

The ongoing conflict in the Middle East for over 70 years since 1948

Political Science Question

Answer the given questions in at least 10 pages and for each topic it needs to be 3-4 pages. Also look at the attached instructions. There are three questions. Write your answers in essay form.

1. The ongoing conflict in the Middle East for over 70 years since 1948 is between Israel on the one hand and the Arab countries on the other. The Palestinian Problem is the major bone of contention.

Read about the Arab-Israel conflict and Palestine and answer the following questions:

(a) Give a historical background of the problem.

(b) What are the conflicting demands and concerns of the two sides: Israel and Palestine? What do they want?

(c) Why have most Arab states taken the side of Palestine? What is Arab nationalism?

(d) What is America’s policy toward Israel and the Arabs on the issue of Palestine.

Explain in detail each of the above questions.

2. International terrorism is the most serious issue in world politics at this time. Though Islam in itself does not promote terrorism which kills innocent people, somehow terrorist acts wherever they take place are carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam. They are also generally from the Middle East, like Saudi Arabia

Answer the following questions:

(a) What is terrorism? What is the best way to define and describe it?

(b) What are the terrorists trying to accomplish by their acts of terror like 9/11 in America? What is their motivation? Do they ever achieve their goal?

(c) Why most acts of terror are against America and the countries of Europe. What is the reason for their anger or hatred for America and Western societies?

3. The course is about the Middle East. Write an essay about the people, society and culture of the Middle East. Answer three questions in particular.

(a) Why is the Middle East called the Middle East? It is in the middle of what and east of where?

(b) The social status of women in general.

(c) As much as you know the Middle East, what are the THREE things you most like about it and THREE things most dislike about it?:

Requirements: 10 pages

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