Strategic Alignment

Strategic Alignment

“Business is not a science; it is not susceptible to experiments that can be controlled and replicated. Everything in business is too unpredictable for that—every business, employee, product, market, is different and keeps changing.”

Margaret Heffernan, U.S. Businesswoman

It’s time for your weekly meeting with Megan, who asks how the organization has to change to support a total rewards plan.

You reply, “Total rewards programs need the support of organizational structures, and it’s essential to align the compensation system with organizational strategy and culture. This highlights both the importance of HRM as professionals and as key players in the success of the organization. We must understand the structures and culture of the organization.”

In discussing a plan for a current or former employer, consider how any insights may inform your own project involving CapraTek, in terms of reworking what you have already produced or determining where you are headed.


BrainyQuote. (n.d.). Margaret Heffernan quotes. Retrieved from

After reading the articles assigned in this week’s readings and the readings from previous weeks, imagine yourself in the role of an HRM executive. You have been asked to write an executive summary for a current or former employer. (You can change the name if you feel the need). Respond to the following:

Recommend key components for an organization-wide total rewards program and immediate steps to be taken.

Include specific organizational benefits for each of the rewards programs you identify in the executive summary. Be certain to consider key job classifications.

Your initial post should be succinct, of at least 150 words, and demonstrate critical analysis and precision in writing. Evaluate the week’s materials and reference relevant trade publications and scholarly literature.

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