Part 2! 2 Disability Current Affairs: Conservatorship

Part 2! 2 Disability Current Affairs: Conservatorship


There is great discussion and distress around the subject of conservatorship as it relates to people with disabilities. Whether it be people with medical disabilities/pre-existing conditions, or people with a mental health, developmental, intellectual, or sensory disabilities, the experience of being conserved is daunting for many people with disabilities and their loved ones. However, most people remain unaware of the controversy surrounding the topic of conservatorship until recently with the Britney Spears case. For this assignment, your task is to examine and learn how conservatorship affects the lives of people with a variety of disabilities, as well as their families.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Students will summarize three references that address the topic of conservatorship and the disability community.
  2. Students will apply their knowledge of course concepts to the topic of conservatorship.
  3. Students will explore alternatives to conservatorship.
  4. Students will examine the controversies surrounding disability and conservatorship and evaluate their own perspectives on these issues.

Assignment Content Requirements

You are required to complete the following prompts. For each prompt, please write 1-3 paragraphs.

  1. Summarize and provide your opinion on the controversy of the #FreeBritney (Britney Spears) movement. Explain some of the issues and arguments that you find.
  2. Examine three references on the topic of conservatorship. These references should be a combination of peer-reviewed articles, online sources, or online videos. In your summaries include key points and arguments. Make sure to cite your sources (include a link to your source)
  3. How accessible was it for you to find current, understandable information regarding conservatorship and alternatives to conservatorship? Were there resources in other languages? Non-legaleze resources for families? How accessible is information regarding alternatives to conservatorship for immigrant families who speak other languages, or parents with learning disabilities, etc? What barriers did you discover in your search?
  4. Reflect on what you’ve learned in this course so far and about conservatorship. What are your opinions on the topic? What surprised you? What do you agree or disagree with?

Assignment Format Requirements

  • Microsoft Word ONLY
  • 12-point font
  • Double-spaced
  • 2-page minimum
  • Question/Answer format is acceptable and preferred
  • No MLA or APA formatting requirement

Assignment Format Requirements

Requirements: 2-3 Pages

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