what is the Critical Race Theory concept of “interest convergence?”

what is the Critical Race Theory concept of “interest convergence?”

Weekly Discussion RaceTheory

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Answer each question separately, does not have to be in essay format. All readings assigned to questions will be listed below.

(1) According to Derrick Bell, what is the Critical Race Theory concept of “interest convergence?” How might it affect the ability to achieve meaningful social change through law?

(2) After reading Sora Han’s essay, Brown’s Many Times, do you think law can address the violence of structural inequality? Why or why not?

(3) What is one example of psychological harm caused by inequality today, either in your own life, or in society in general? What is so harmful about it?

Requirements: 1 page, couple sentences per question

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