Discussion: Comfort in the Pandemic

Discussion: Comfort in the Pandemic

How Consumers Find Comfort in the Pandemic

  1. 9 Comfort Buys that Have Been Popular Amid the Pandemic (Links to an external site.)
  1. I just Need the Comfort: Processed Foods Make a Pandemic Comeback (Links to an external site.)
  1. Majority of Americans Eating More of these Comfort Foods During Pandemic (Links to an external site.)
  1. Fine Dining Chefs are Pivoting to Comfort Food (Links to an external site.)


1. How has your behavior changed since the pandemic started? How different are your shopping and purchase habits?

2. Do you think that the comfort food trend will swing back to a more healthy food emphasis? Why or why not?

3. If you were going to open a new business this Fall, what would it be? Would it focus on a product or a service? What will you do to differentiate your business?

Requirements: minimum 400 words

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