Managing Hospitality and Luxury Operations

Managing Hospitality and Luxury Operations

This assessment is designed to bring together the final learning for this course.

Your task is to research a hospitality/hotel management concept and discuss its application in the industry.


Produce the following two elements ;

  1. Write a professional paper of 4 content pages (with a further two pages for the title page and reference list) for a group of young journalists wishing to specialize themselves in the Hospitality sector and its key elements
  2. Produce an 8-slide PPT presentation for the group of youngjournalists

Requirements: you can decided

Assignment overview:

This assessment is designed to bring together the final learning for this course.
Your task is to research a hospitality / hotel management concept and discuss its application in the industry.


To critically analyse Hospitality / Hotel Management concept(s).
To evaluate up to date Industry examples related to the concept(s).
To propose recommendations for best industry practice in relation to a set problem or scenario.

To develop a research culture.

Overall aim:

During this project students will carry out research and develop synthesis skills while exploring the most important recent trends in the hospitality / hotel industry.

The development of the topic will make use of theoretical models and also take into account current and future trends in the sector.

Innovation, creativity and the transferable skill of communication will be developed.

Learning Outcomes and Transferable Skills

LO1 Critically distinguish between strategies for successfully operating within standard and luxury sectors.

LO2 Recommend procedures to optimize service delivery systems ensuring guest satisfaction across a range of hospitality sectors.

LO3 Evaluate a strategy which contributes to quality and cost control management, using qualitative and quantitative data.

·        TS1 Communication

·        TS2 Working with others

·        TS3 Information literacy

·        TS4 Numeracy skills

Resources Available:

Reference material should be extracted from current periodicals or media (Library database, books, academic journals, professional magazines). If you find it necessary (consult with the faculty) to conduct primary data research, please do it in a professional manner: Set appointments and prepare questions. Do not forget that you are representing GIHE and that your image will open (or not) doors for your future colleagues!




Using the library resources and the Internet, you should choose and research 1 topic among the 4 topics listed below. Marks will be given for a critical approach and the use of any evidence to support your work.

Topic 1:

Cost management is useful and requires skills from managers. In today’s economic climate with low demand forecasts, recommend solutions as to how you would save money, in both the short and long term, without reducing customer value and loyalty. Please use two examples from the hospitality industry in your work.

Topic 2:

Quality is key in business. Critically review 3 Quality Management (QM) models. Is there a model that ‘best fits’ hospitality? In other words, would the introduction of a QM strategy into hospitality enable companies to up performance and returns for all stakeholders? Make recommendations on how a small privately-owned hospitality company can develop its own quality systems and techniques. In your answer please show ‘lesson learned’ from larger corporations and other industries.

Topic 3:

How a business performs is a very important indicator. Robert G. Eccles has given academics the ‘performance manifesto’ with a view of changing management perception of performance. Evaluate his arguments whilst commenting on the use of Corporate Social Responsibility policies that have become very popular today. Would you recommend, with full justifications, CSR development in the hospitality industry? Are companies fully CSR or is it just marketing hype?

Topic 4:

Analyze Engel’s generic decision-making model and state its usefulness for hospitality managers. In other words, does it give true insight into the decision-making process for service industries? During these hard-economic times how are hospitality companies making sure their customers stay loyal? What future service trends will develop to attract customers?

Produce the following two elements:

1.     Write a professional paper of 4 content pages (with a further two pages for the title page and reference list) for a group of young journalists wishing to specialize themselves in the Hospitality sector and its key elements (40%)

The Paper is to have an Introduction, Discussion and Conclusion of 4 pages, and Reference List, written and presented in a clear professional style.


2.     Produce an8-slide PPT presentation (60%) for the group of young journalists with an integrated recorded narrative for each slide using the following structure:

a. Slide 1 – Title of your Presentation, your name and class 1821, Managing Hospitality and Luxury Operations, Date of submission

Slide 2 – The reason why you chose this topic and the purpose of the presentation (with voice recording)

Slide 3 – The objectives of your presentation and the methodology you are going to use to reach these objectives (with voice recording)

Slide 4 – Explanation of the concept / topic that is being researched (with voice recording)

Slide 5 – Examples that illustrate the information given on slide 4 (with voice recording)

Slide 6 – Critically propose your own suggestions / recommendations for best industry practice in relation to the topic (with voice recording)

Slide 7 – Concluding thoughts (with voice recording)

Slide 8 – List of the 6 most important sources used in your research in APA style

(with voice recording of why each of the 6 sources have been used)

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