Cas 283 Comm and Info of Technology

Cas 283 Comm and Info of Technology


In this assignment you will be demonstrating your understanding of how infrastructure effects access to and use of technology and summarizing the idea of affordances, complete with examples of how affordances impact technological choice and usage.


Follow the steps below to complete the assignment.

  1. Describe the ways in which infrastructure affects access to technology. In your response consider the ways that hardware, software, and internet access affect being a citizen in an increasingly digital world.
  2. In your own words describe affordances. Then provide at least two examples of affordances and talk about how they have impacted your personal technology choice or use.


  1. The essay should be a minimum of 200-400 words but no more than 600.
  2. Number your answers 1 and 2.
  3. Please include a word count at the bottom of your responses and BOLD any course terms or concepts.
  4. Times New Roman 12

Requirements: 200-400 words but no more than 600

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