For each prompt below, respond with a college-level.

For each prompt below, respond with a college-level.

For each prompt below, respond with a college-level. You should use terminology from the lectures and/or course videos in your discussion. Do more than mention the terms, show that you understand them by giving examples. You should have distinct paragraphs, proper capitalization, spelling, grammar, and organization. You should address all the prompts below in your post. Then respond to two classmates’ posts.  Your responses should refer to course material and add to the discussion.

  • Consider a workplace, team, or organization of which you have been a part
  • Why do you think diverse groups perform better?
  • After watching the Ted Talk, what are your thoughts about the results? What does this say about rewards? (We normally do this challenge in class? If you have ever done the challenge, discuss your experience.)



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