Psychology Question

Psychology Question

The objective of this paper is to get you to interact with a selected topic of your interest in criminology below. Pick any real case from a book, movie, or TV show. Apply theoretical materials (3 empirical journal articles) into your paper discussion.

Critical Issues in CriminologyEthnicity and Offending Racist Hate Crimes Ethnicity and Victimization Ethnicity and Experiencing Criminal Justice System (cautioning, arrest, sentencing, imprisonment, shooting by the police, death rates in prison) Gender and Offending Gender and Victimization (domestic violence, partner violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault) Sexist and/or Sexual Orientation-Gender Identity Hate Crimes Gender and Experiencing Criminal Justice System (women in prison, mothers in prison, LGBTIQ people in prison) Serial killersCults Requirements for the paper: Write in APA style: Title page, Proper citations, and References page. An abstract is not required.You must include three peer-reviewed journal articles (not including your textbook).

For your case study, you also may use web sources like Wikipedia, Documentaries, Movies, TV shows, or Books. The case study needs to be based on REAL PERSONSApproximately 6 double-spaced pages. Papers should be written in APA format. Your papers will be checked to detect any plagiarism. Do not copy, rephrase and cite.

Requirements: 6 pages

This is a APA format paper about criminology, you can choose one of the topic I listed below.


We will turn the paper to turnitin, the rule is pretty strict, so plz avoid similarity as much as possible. I really appreciate it!


We will turn the paper to turnitin, the rule is pretty strict, so plz avoid similarity as much as possible. I really appreciate it!

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