For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio

For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio

Project Response 3

For Module 4 you will be creating a Professional Portfolio that you might use for an upcoming job or post-undergraduate applications. Before you can select which documents to write, you will need to decide which type of application you want to prepare for and find a sample one. I encourage you to select something you will potentially apply for in the next year or two.

For Project Response 3, please link the application you will gear your Professional Portfolio document towards, then write a 200-word explanation. In your explanation, answer the following questions:

  1. Will you need a resumé or CV?
  2. Will you need a Cover Letter or a Statement of Purpose?
  3. What are some key terms/ideas that are important to the organization you are applying to?
  4. What quality do you want to emphasize about yourself?

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