Author name: Rosemary Mosco

Accounting Question

Accounting Question

For this assignment, you will prepare a two-page paper in which you assess international tax concerns for U.S. taxpayers. Be sure to specifically address the following:

In your paper,

  • Discuss how international tax concerns differ for individual taxpayers compared with corporate taxpayers.
  • Evaluate how the international tax policies of a specific foreign country compare to those in the U.S.

The Week 4 – Assignment paper

Requirements: 2 Pages

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Week 1 – Case Study

Week 1 – Case Study

Select one of the Ethical Dilemmas case studies from your text. Describe the action you would take and defend your position.

Required Text

Aaker, D. A., Kumar, V., Day, G.S., & Leone, R.P. (2015). Marketing research (12th ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.

  • The full-text version of this ebook is available through the RedShelf platform.

Requirements: 600 words

To access my text book


Pass; Seanterrel85


In case you couldn’t get in the textbook I copied the entire page with the ethical delimmas

“The following scenarios present a set of ethical dilemmas that might arise in marketing research. Your assignment is to decide what action to take in each instance. You should be prepared to justify your decision. Bear in mind that there are no uniquely right answers: Reasonable people may choose different courses of action.1.You are the market research director of a pharmaceutical company, and the executive director suggests to you that companyinterviewerstelephonephysiciansunderthename of a fictitious market research agency. The purpose of the survey is to help assess the perceived quality of the company ’ s products, and it is felt that the suggested pro-cedure will result in more objective responses.What action would you take? 2.You are employed by a marketing research firm and have conductedanattitudestudyforaclient.Yourfindingsindicate that the product ’ s marketing efforts are not effec-tive. This finding is badly received by the client ’ s product managementteam.Theyrequestthatyouomitthatdatafrom your formal report, which you know will be widely distributed, on the grounds that the oral presentation was adequate for their needs.What do you do? 3.You are a study director for a research company undertak-ing a project for a regular client of your company. A study you are working on is about to go into the field when the questionnaireyousenttotheclientforfinalapprovalcomes back drastically modified. The client has rewritten it,introducingleadingquestionsandbiasedscales.Anaccompanying letter indicates that the questionnaire must be sent out as revised. You do not believe that valid infor-mation can be gathered using the revised instrument.What action would you take? 4.A well‐respected public figure is going to face trial on a chargeoffailingtoreporthispartownershipofcertainregulated companies while serving as a Canadian provin-cialminister.Thedefenselawyershaveaskedyou,asamarketresearchspecialist,todoaresearchstudytodeterminethecharacteristicsofpeoplemostlikelytosympathizewiththedefendantandhencetovoteforacquittal.Thedefenselawyershavereadnewspaperaccounts of how this approach has been used in a number of instances.What action would you take? 5.You are the market research director for a large chemical company.Recentresearchindicatesthatmanyofyourcompany’scustomers aremisusingoneofitsprincipalproducts.Thereisnodangerresultingfromthismisuse,though customers are wasting money by using too much of the product at one time. You are shown the new adver-tisingcampaignbytheadvertisingagency.Theadsnotonly ignore this problem of misuse, they actually seem to encourage it.What action would you take? 6.Youshowupyourfirstdayforasummerinternshiptomeet your supervisor and get your first assignment. She givesyouaquestionnairewithspecificmarketingplan-ningquestionsandtellsyouthatshewouldlikeyoutocontactthecompany’smainthreecompetitorsandtellthem you are a student doing a study on the industry and get the answers to the questions. She says you should not tell them you are working for the company over the sum-merandadds“thereisnothingwrongwithnottellingthem—omitting the fact is not really lying.” You ask her whatyoushoulddoif theyask,andshesays‘justtellthem you are a student working on a paper and you don ’ t want to get a poor grade on the assignment.”What action would you take? 1 These vignettes were provided through the courtesy of Professor Charles Weinberg,UniversityofBritishColumbia,andarereproducedwithhispermission.

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Risk Management Question

Risk Management Question

I need help with my assignment for Organisational Resiliance.
To analyze and discuss the Organisational Resiliance practice of selected organization or company.

Detailed Structure are provided in the attached brief.

Words limit: 3250. 10+ required references required (no wiki, no slides from internet, etc.). The assignment should be original, the similarity rate should NOT excess 12%.

Requirements: 3250

The overall structure and requirements are very detailed in the brief, please make sure that we cover all the 5 points in the assignment tasks. You are free to choose one organization/company that you are familiar with,

just let me know after you choose it.

The chosen organization should not be too niche.


Here are the slides from the class, unfortunately, most contents are in German, but there are some bullet points in Englich, you can have a look.

The readings are in English. I think you can have a look of the slides, the theories are highlighted with bullet points in English. Ignore what is german writing


This is the recommended readings, it would be great if we can use some of them as references.In the zipped document

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therapeutic drug monitoring

therapeutic drug monitoring

After studying Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 600 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possibleRead and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s).



    nullSupplemental Materials & Resources

    • Visit the CINAHL Complete under the A-to-Z Databases on the University Library’s website and locate the article(s) below:
      • DeCasterie, B. D., Izumi, S., Godfrey, N. S. & Denhaerynck, K, (2008). Nurses’ response to ethical dilemmas in nursing practice: Meta-Analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 63(6), 549-549.

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Research & Summaries Question

Research & Sum  maries Question

In a 10 to 15 page paper, students are asked to A) review the scholarly research on response and/or recovery and give an overview of major themes in the literature AND B) analyze the response and recovery to a FEMA federally declared disaster. The analysis should include information on the disaster, scholarly literature discussing some aspect of the disaster, and ways that the disaster response and recovery could be improved.

Students who plagiarize will fail this course. Papers should be double spaced, 11 or 12 point font, Calibri or Times New Roman, 1″ margins on all sides

Requirements: 10-15 pages

Textbook used or anything of that nature? If you find anything related to race, social class and the response/recovery process that would be great but anything works (not picky). APA format perhaps?

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